Post by blair on Apr 5, 2008 23:27:55 GMT -5
H O L D [me.closer] in your embrace
L O S T H O P E [/center] The thirty-moon some tom was starting to feel old, or was it just his dream? Losthope's joints were creaking loudly, gray and silver tufts, not the color of his natural vibrant fur, where dully surrounding most of his pelt, as he imagined himself sitting in the elders den - all alone - with no mate by his side, a kit peeking in and cowering away, squealing it's cute kit yelp in terror. He hid in the shadows, his back pressed against the den wall, as outside he heard the other two elders he shared his den with, yet he couldn't just pick out their voices. They were sharing tongues with each other, cleaning one and another's pelts as clancat's often did, yet them with an old age affection, a couple who had been mates for who knows how long. A tested warrior came up to them, touching noses, he now picked out his she-cat elders den companion "Oh, Firelily, how are you?" the warrior purred, touching noses with the elder, "Mom, dad! Great... how--" he couldn't hear the rest of her voice, as it seemed to drift off into the distance with the wind unnaturally. His light brown, thick pelted body stirred as he emerged out of his dream, still in a somewhat depressed state of mind. Was it a dream from StarClan, predicting he would be a mateless old beast, or was in just his imagination, what he predicted for himself? Either way was bad. He remained in his curled up position, his deeper brown and coal black face hiding in his lightly flecked brown pelt as he hid his soft sapphire pools from the world and the bright light that shone from it, his ashen ears tucked tightly against his head to block noise from the awaking warriors, greeting each other affectionately or with good companionship. [/size][/color]
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Apr 7, 2008 15:26:41 GMT -5
Death [♥] Solsticesong [♥] the epitome of all of our days "You gonna sleep all day, Losthope?"
Solsticesong's gruff voice curled from her place on her bed that used to be by Petaldance's. Since the queen was now in the nursery, an empty moss pad lay there balefully. Solsticesong's hollow eyes turned over to Losthope, blinking their ochre depths.
The fluffy she-cat came to her paws with a distant sigh. She shook her fur, making moss and pine needles scatter before going off to groom herself. She was shedding again due to New-leaf's advent. Nothing new really, but it was a hassle at times. Less room to hide kits under.
She had a bad feeling about the battle, to be honest. Solsticesong looked pensive as she stared into the distant outdoors from the door of the warriors den. She turned her head to Losthope. "You up for a patrol? Time doesn't stop because our Clan leaders are off."
Post by &&R.A.V.E.N :3 on Apr 7, 2008 17:14:56 GMT -5
Glacierfrost Large paws made there way across the camp, ears flicked up as he heard voices, one he recognized imiditaly. A rare smirk came across the hard tom's face, a thought raced through his head. "Good ole' Solsticesong" Glacierfrost murmured his ears perking up as he heard what his friend was saying. He poked his head into the den, looking at first the she-cat, then Losthope. "Not much out there. Mostly leaves and other things. Borders are clean" He mewed, already knowing these things becasue the black tom had just returned from his solo patrol, something he did often to pass the time.
Post by ---> LIZZEH on Apr 8, 2008 5:40:27 GMT -5
Her dainty little paws were tucked underneath her, as she lay within her own bed of moss, watching the others with her brilliant golden eyes. Ears flicked ever so slightly, as they spoke, not really tuning in to what they were saying. She didn't like to butt into others conversations, assuming she was welcomed. So she kept to her silence.
Shuffling slightly, Tigerheart extracted her paws from underneath her skinny body, letting them slide across her bedding, stretching. She yawned, and shook her striped fur slightly, a few peices of moss falling back into her bed. Tigerheart sighed, thinking it was time to get up finally. She pushed herself up, legs quivering slightly as they adjusted to the weight change.
Shaking her coat out a final time, she slinked past the three, nodding to them in a silent greeting. She paused at the entrance of the warrior den, tail swaying slowly, then plopped herself down on her rear. Eyes stared around, then went to a forepaw, which was a bit ruffled from being underneath her.
She ran her tongue quickly over it, then the paw was swiped over her right ear. Rumbling came from her belly, causing her to let her paw lower to rest upon the ground again. A sigh escaped her, as her silence was still there. Food. That was what she needed.
Post by blair on Apr 8, 2008 6:40:12 GMT -5
The tom mrowed angrily, his paws barely painted a pale honey brown, or snowy white depending on your gaze, his legs stiff as he stood, his muscles bunching and unbunching angrily, unsure of what to do with Solsticesong waking him up. "Thanks" his mutter came somewhat swiftly, his voice almost burbling with anger and confusion, his coal face trying to cover what he was thinking, yet the warrior at this moment was as easy to read as a book. "I planned on waking up when I felt like it" his multicolored, yet not calico face bobbed angrily at the warrioress as he attempted to calm himself down, eventually turning away from her, facing Tigerheart in the entrance. Now somewhat bemused at the last question, he did want to patrol, and perhaps hunt afterward. His light sapphire pools focused on his paws embarrassedly as he actually agreed to the she's last inquiry, "A patrol I could handle, though" he replied finally, somewhat lamely as he looked to Tigerheart, then Glacierfrost "you two want to come?"
ooc; He has slight anger issues :3
Post by ---> LIZZEH on Apr 8, 2008 13:40:01 GMT -5
When she heard her name spoken by Losthope, Tigerheart's ears flicked forward ever so slightly. "A patrol, eh," she said, turning her body around to face the other three. Her eyes shimmered as she stretched out. "Well, I suppose I could tag along." There, she broke her silence. The she-cat sat herself down once more, watching ... and waiting. For what, exactly? For the lazy furballs to actually get out of their beds, and head out.
This thought ran quickly through the tiger she-cat's mind, and a small grin appeared. Funny as it was, she would never say it aloud. She knew better. Tail swerved to rest around her delicate legs, as she closed her eyes, boredom setting in rather quickly. She needed to go out on this patrol quickly, or she was going to die of her boredom.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Apr 8, 2008 14:43:07 GMT -5
Solsticesong had completely ignored Losthope's muttered comments, turning her attention to Glacierfrost. "Well that's good. I'm glad someone's on top of things," she commented dryly. The deputy proxy twitched her fluffy tail. "I suppose we could go for a hunt then. The fresh-kill pile can never be too full." The white and black female strolled outside lackadaisically, yawning slightly as she stretched and shook out her fur.
Her ochre eyes washed over the camp Fernpelt had asked her to take care of. She sighed, remembering the words she had told her friend.
Come back with your Clan, or on them.
Pain struck Solsticesong across the face. She hoped Fernpelt was okay.
Post by blair on Apr 10, 2008 5:08:27 GMT -5
The tom raised his paw, licking it anxiously, his ashen and amber head ducked, before his sapphire pools gleamed around the warriors den, his legs seeming to act before her truly thought about his actions, and the tom nearly stumbled into Tigerheart, his white and speckled pelt brushing hers a little to close for comfort, and he left it unmentioned as he glanced back up at the other warrioress, "Make up your mind!" he muttered again, his head cocked into a something of a sigh as he for a moment forgot though he hadn't said it aloud, he was hungry and wanted to go hunting.
He took a moment, anxious through the silence as he then dipped his head again, revising what he had just said, and with a growl of his stomach his ashen ears twitched before his gaze seemed lost, unsure of whom to place it on as he looked between the two warrioress'. "Hunting sounds nice..."
Post by ---> LIZZEH on Apr 10, 2008 13:51:39 GMT -5
The tabby she-cat didn't say word about Losthope's side brushing against hers, but her skin did turn a bit warm underneath her fur. She shook her head slightly, and yawned, showing how bored she was. "I am up for anything. I'm a follower, not a leader," she spoke softly, a warm smile appearing as she talked. Eyes lingered momentairly on Losthope, then went to the entrance of the den. Her paws tingled, as the thought about running through EclipseClan territory, catching prey.
--x Tigerheart
ooc;; Ick. That one was short today. DX
Post by blair on Apr 17, 2008 7:14:26 GMT -5
.losthope The warrior's head turned toward Tigerheart as she spoke her quote of being a follower than not a leader, his pale sapphire occs blinked a few times solemnly at the she cat, his head tilted as he shook his roan and amber head a few times, his frame moving into a sitting position as if he had to explain this to her for awhile, his voice speaking calm yet always seeming on edge, as if an unpleasant response would tilt him over. "Tigerheart... you've always seemed like the leader to me" he meowed point fully, his honey kissed paw raising to his maw, he licked it calmly, before rising again and turning toward the entrance with one swift movement.
"Now, leader" he spoke noticeably toward the warrioress, a sparkle in his sapphire pools, obviously amused with his little joke, though one with heart would be able to see this tom actually meant something through all this teasing, it was buried somewhere in an unknown place inside of him, a quarry not chiseled. "It's up to you, to choose the best place for us to hunt. Midnight fields, Razor forest, Serenity falls, Eclipse lake, or Cascade rocks?" he purposely threw in a few places that would be useless for hunting, much more scenic options which two lovebirds went often, or a place for chatting with close friends outside of the camp, or a resting place for quiet thinkers. He belonged to neither of the categories, so he calmly waited for Tigerheart's response.
Post by ---> LIZZEH on Apr 18, 2008 13:47:25 GMT -5
Slowly, Tigerheart processed what Losthope had just said. Exhaling rather loudly, she shook her head at the tom. "Suckup," she mumbled under her breath, golden eyes flashing at him. "You really do need better lines than that." She smirked, and ran her tongue over her chest, a bit uncomfortable.
"I, honestly, can't choose one of those. Why don't you choose, since you're so eager to go," Tigerheart suggested to the tom warrior, a look of pure amusement crossing her face. She ran her tongue across her chest again, the white hairs becoming flattened.
Post by blair on Apr 18, 2008 22:40:14 GMT -5
.losthope [/left] The many earth-hued warrior looked up casually, his occs glittering at her sudden fiery persona in obvious amusement as she plainly, in a mutter, called him a suck up. Pale sapphire pools danced on the she cat as she so plainly tried to hide any friendship with the tom, himself, and shrugged casually as she said the comment so obviously about him. "I thought you'd like the attention" his voice chimed earnestly like a apprentice too dumbfound to know better, the the expression on his face was still humoring, his lips curled into a smile - almost to be traced to a sort of bitterness.
"Why can't you choose one?" he pried, occs glittering once more, lingering on her physique for a moment as he asked the question, though more than laughter pulled at his voice this time, though nodding at her simple request "I'm sorry though, next time I'll make sure to be as grumpy as a fox next time you decide to haul me around to go hunting" leaving out considerately that he was the one to invite her, his cheesy grin did not cease "If you would prefer it though, I will choose" finally making it sound like he was doing her a favor, he chuckled softly before finishing "How about Cascade Rocks?" to any warrior or even apprentice who was not completely mouse-brained knew that this almost was the worst place to hunt on EclipseClan's terra, he shrugged and waited for her denial.
Post by ---> LIZZEH on Apr 19, 2008 8:53:45 GMT -5
At his words, the striped she-cat chuckled. Shaking her head, she flexed her claws, and stood up. "Well, I guess you thought wrong." Tigerheart smirked, and flicked her tail slowly behind her. She walked closer to the entrance of the den, looking back over her shoulder.
"Because, I wasn't the one who suggested it, Losthope. You were. So you get to chose." She giggled, and stretched out her forepaws. At his next words, she flicked her ears back. His words had hit a spot in her, and she sighed, her head shaking. "There is no need for sarcastic remarks, Losthope. You're lucky I am even going with you." She watched him, and ears tilted at the place he had suggested. Wait a minute, Cascade Rocks? Why there? That place didn't have much prey anyways. But, she'd go with it. "Fine, I guess we can go there." She shook out her coat, and sighed. She left the den, heading toward the entrance of camp.
Post by blair on Apr 20, 2008 0:02:54 GMT -5
.losthope The multi-hued tom stretched more a moment, pretending to nod in acceptance that he was wrong. "Well, that's okay" he pretended to bow toward the pretty warrioress, a shimmer of amusement hit his pools again, but only in what meant to be a friendly tease. "I guess I'll accept being wrong - coming from you, you're always right" his voice spoke earnestly again, this time only with a touch of silliness, mostly tracing back to what he actually considered of the she cat, smarter than himself. Let her call me a suck up again mind taunted, waited to hear the warrioress sing those words to him in a mutter, almost begging silently, yet she says my words sting her.
His shoulders moved up and down in a shrug-like motion as he sat again, occs just blinked calmly at the she cat as he said he suggested it, ignoring the fact that it was Solsticesong who ultimately brought this up, and nodded in a content manor. "Mmmhmm" was all that whistle between his lips, almost seeming far off in somewhere else except reality.
A hiss could be heard though, lightly escaping his maw as he refused to let his anger control him on how the warrioress was treating him, so he just shook his head. "Mousebrain" the mutter escaped, his paws lightly following the she cat from the entrance.
Post by ---> LIZZEH on Apr 22, 2008 14:29:30 GMT -5
Tigerheart smirked, as she paused for a mere moment, looking back at Losthope. Something new shimmered in her golden eyes, but what exactly was it? She turned her head, before he could say a word, and slipped out the entrance, heading off toward where the tom had suggested.
She didn't mean to sound like a total ... whatever she sounded like back there. The tabby she-cat was just, not herself right now. Not with part of the Clan still not back.
ooc: ew. Short. DX Care to post at Cascade Rocks?
Post by blair on May 4, 2008 4:28:14 GMT -5