Post by SHADE. :D on Nov 16, 2006 12:31:04 GMT -5
RULES. biography form ...
- Name: [your character's name. depends on their age, for example a kit would be Sparkkit, an apprentice would be Sparkpaw, a warrior would be Sparkshower, and a leader would be Sparkstar]
- Definition: [what is the meaning of your cat's name? For example, Daisynight. Daisy is a flower. This does not mean why the cat was named. Unless the suffix is something odd like Silverwraith, you don't need to define the second part unless you feel like you have to. Dictionary.com is your best help for this.]
- Gender [your character's gender: male or female. not hard]
- Age: [how long you character has been alive for, in moons. One moon is one month]
- Clan: [which clan your cat runs with: EclipseClan, MoonClan, CloudClan, BrightClan or SerenityClan. or are they in StarClan, or are they a loner or rogue or kittypet]
- Rank:
- Looks:
- Personality: [your character's personality, using lots of depth. 'Iguanaflip is nice' will not suffice. At least one good-sized paragraph.]
- Past: [your character's past. You can have a part at the end for memories as well if you wish to. At least a paragraph for each part of their life-stages. for kits, write about how their parents met if you can't think of anything. ]
- In Character: [an example of your roleplaying for your first biography. More than ten sentences, please. This site is supposed to be at least semi-literate. you only need this for your first bio.]
- Relationships/Kin: [your character's family, friends, mate, etc]
- Other: [anything else you think is important]
- Codewords: [found in the rules]
Name: Definition: Gender: Age: Clan: Rank: Looks: Actions: Past: In Character: Relationships/Kin: Other: Codewords:
Helpful hints for your biography:
Description: --head shape [ears, muzzle, eyes (shape and color)] min. 4-5 sentences --body size [shoulder size, thin or thick, long or short tail, length of legs] min. 4 sentences --paws [color, claw size and color] min. 3 sentences --pelt min. 4 sentences
Personality: --overall personality [does s/he get it from someone?] min. 6 sentences --when angry/sad/happy [how does s/he react, what does s/he look like] min. 2-5 sentences --first impressions min 3 sentences --why s/he fits what s/he is min. 3 sentences
History: --talk about parents [how they met, how they acted] min. 8 sentences --talk about the nature of their birth [violent, dramatic, normal, etc] min. 2 sentences --siblings? min. 3 sentences --deaths in family? min. 1 sentence --growing up min. 8 sentences --mentors and apprentices (if applicable) min. 3-4 sentences