Post by Cinder! no study! X_X on May 4, 2009 18:35:49 GMT -5
Lupinkit any plant of the genus Lupinus
She-kit Unborn Eclipse Kit
Green slanted eyes pear out of an angular face, Lupinkit's eyes are usually narrowed. The young kit's eyes are a light green and very pretty. Lupinkit often conveys many emotions in her good-looking eyes from suspicion to wonder, underneath a given emotion is an innocent, playful light as well. The face surrounding those eyes is sharp and similar to an upside-down triangle. Very sharp and defined. Her ears are placed wide apart and are huge. Another quirck noticed when looking at her face is her flat rose-colored nose. She looks a bit like a lynx-- only in the face though. The fur covering her face is a dusty grey flecked with brown.
Her fur is of the same colors, a stripe of dusty grey, another of brown, her whole body is colored that way ending with a pale-tipped tail. The body beneath the fur is not very large nor small, Lupinkit will grow up to be an average sized cat. Of course right now she is still a kit, her fur soft and fluffy, and her body pint-sized as all great warriors were once cute little kittens like Lupinkit is right now.
Lupinkit's picture is next to the phrase, 'Wont believe it till I see it.' StarClan, with their starry-eyed shimmering warriors--not real, Spirits who guide the living even after death, why not just come back to life? This is the one thing that you will here about Lupinkit it you whisper to a Clanmate, 'Whose that?" Lupinkit is known as the one who desnt believe, the Clan born who shuns her heritage and religion.
Sure the whole No-StarCLan thing is shocking and wild but Lupinkit is a whole lot more than just that, shes a smart kit who sees things as black and white and defiently cant be fooled. Lupinkit is very careful about what she says, and will remember whatever your response was so watch out. The kit often argues because shes frustrated nobody else sees it her way and this gets her in trouble quite a lot. The kit cant help but speak her mind no mater what everybody else might say. Lupinkit is one stubborn girl!
Shes not one to blab about anything, being ridiculed so much for her own beliefs has taught Lupinkit to bite her tongue, fights arent needed over somethign she knows shes right about. One day the world will understand that al she has said is true. Life is life, theres no need to add little fantasies and made-up things just to make the sharp edges look less threatening.
A proud, smart kit Lupinkit will climb to the top. Her smart, conservatice nature and odd way of looking at things will help any cat see another persepective better. She may be a bit odd but Lupinkit is sure to be odd and respected for it by golly!
Young Avenspaw was checking the border betwenn EclipseClan and MOonClan when he found Maplepool, who had wandered onto MoonClan territory. Avenspaw knew he should drive her away, but he felt bad because she was a she-cat, and seemed harmless enough. They talked before Maplepool retreited back into her clan territory.
Maplepool and the now, Avenstail met again and formed a bond. They secretly planned to see each other again, but for a few moons they did not. Then Avenstail went looking for Maplepool on EclipseClan territory. They met and discussed some of his problems before an EclipseClanner found the two. They were found by another EclipseClan warrior, who drove Avenstail away. Avenstail was scared that some of the thigns he had told Maplepool would be told among her Clan and eventually start a few porblems between the two Clans. Because of this, he stayed away from Maplepool and EclipseClan.
One day, Avenstail was wounded severly--the same day Maploepool came looking for him. Fearing he would die he told her he loved her in front of his whole Clan. He, of course lived but his Clan looked down on him, his family shunned him. Nothing kept him from leaving for EclipseClan and his love, Maplepool.
The two warriors got back to the EclipseClan camp when Fernstar was at the Moonshard recieving her name and nine lives. When Fernstar came back, he was relieved to be accepted into EclipseClan. A few moons later, Maplepool joyfully told him that she was expecting kits. The couple now have a litter of four daughters: Lupinkit, Vanillakit, Yuccakit and Troutkit.
In Character: (what I used for her audition)
She walked into the Medicine Cat's Den, her right front paw held high and a grimace on her sweet kittish face. Lupinkit was not happy, first of all she had a thorn in her paw, and second of all she was afraid Prophecyteller might start talking about StarClan or some new threat heard about in some, 'StarClan-Sent,' dreams. Lupinkit wasnt really mean or anything but StarClan was a very touhy subject, Lupinkit did not believe in them much.
She was a skeptic, alright. How were the dead Clan Cats so active among the living? Lupinkit always had asked if they were so concerned for the well-being of the Clans, and watched them like some cheesy soap-opera why didn't they just come back to life? Or just not die in the first place? Lupinkit found herself asking cats this question and always being called a silly kit. After awhile she had decided she would never fall for the lies, and had decided not to believe at all. Lupinkit tried to avoid any spiritual mumbo-jumbo, for even the crazy Medicine Cats deserved respect. She knew if they spewed StarClan talk she would snap them and get in trouble. But still StarClan believing cats like Medicine Cats deserved respect, especially them. Lupinit looked down at her paw, yeah they were respectable--they were the ones who were gonna help her fix her paw.
"Prophecyteller?" she called into the Den, as a wave of stinging pain washed over her. The kit glanced around, her wide green eyes showing emotions varying from curiosity to pain. She pouted, where were the pesky Medicine Cat when she needed him? The arguable young cat sighed.
She glanced around pondering whether to go back to her mother or wait for Prophecyteller to return. Her thoughts drifted to the crowded yet familiar Nursery she called home and Lupinkit made a split-second decision. She sat down, carefully keeping her paw up and decided to wait them out.
Ill spend some quality time with me, myself, and I... the young kit thought cheerily. She loved her family but sometimes she felt like she was the only one who truly understood herself. Sometimes Lupinkit felt like even she was puzzled by her own mind.
Mother- Maplepool Father- Avenstail Sisters- Vanillakit, Troutkit, Yuccakit.
Other: her color is conrflowerblue
Codewords: Painting Portraits Of Ghosts
Post by SHADE. :D on May 5, 2009 13:09:23 GMT -5