Post by SHADE. :D on Jan 11, 2007 10:35:25 GMT -5
Um... Tigerstar's...
Would you rather mate with a beautiful/handsome tortoiseshell who was really arrogant and nosy, or a scrawny little tabby who was really kind and understanding?
Post by razor on Jan 11, 2007 10:46:23 GMT -5
Scrawny little tabby. <3
Would you rather be drowned in a river by your best freind or have your throat cut and left to die by your mate.
Post by fernie. (: on Jan 11, 2007 14:19:44 GMT -5
Wow you're so optimistic aren't you! Probs drowned by my best friend...
Would you rather die from deathberries or greencough?
Post by SHADE. :D on Jan 12, 2007 10:26:21 GMT -5
Greencough. Deathberries are more painful. ;-;
Would you rather go lame as a young warrior and have to become an elder for the rest of your life, or when you are lame be carried away by a hawk?
Post by lonelylove :D on Jan 12, 2007 14:06:46 GMT -5
Hawk, cause for a while I would get to fly ^^
Would you rather become a medicine cat, then lose the position because (saying you were a she-cat) you got pregenat with a warrior from another clan and you had to take care of your kits or become a medicine cat and then lose the position because you went lame after a terrible rockfall when you were out in the forest looking for herbs? [/size]
Post by fernie. (: on Jan 12, 2007 14:53:37 GMT -5
had kits, cos that would be more fun than going lame cos of a rockfall!
would you rather die from your leader turning evil and killing you or a rogue becoming your mate and killing you later on? (im running out of ideas!)
Post by SHADE. :D on Jan 13, 2007 8:04:35 GMT -5
A rogue.
Namewise: Aspenwhisper or Moonlightspell?
Post by fernie. (: on Jan 15, 2007 11:14:43 GMT -5
Moonlightspell, very pretty!
Namewise again: Goldeneye or Dreamcloud?
Post by lonelylove :D on Jan 19, 2007 20:35:30 GMT -5
Dreamcloud. Prettier name.
Namewise again!
Lilykiss or Lichenheart? [/size]
Post by fernie. (: on Jan 20, 2007 14:56:33 GMT -5
Character wise: Brambleclaw or Mothwing?
Post by rainwhisper on Jan 23, 2007 18:20:50 GMT -5
Definitely Brambleclaw. oo
Would you rather be Tigerstar's or Scourge's mate? [/center]
Post by brighteye on May 27, 2007 16:02:48 GMT -5
Scourge, he's cooler.
Namewise: Cometcatcher or Dreamsight?
Post by fernie. (: on Jun 12, 2007 11:55:33 GMT -5
Dreamsight, it's nice.
Would you rather be a blind or a deaf cat?
Post by wolfxdream on Dec 7, 2007 18:18:50 GMT -5
i'd be be blind but if it was a twoleg version id be deaf.
partly name wise,would you rather be shatteredmoons or curses mate?
Post by Dansen[Mouse] on Apr 4, 2008 20:18:40 GMT -5
Why did this game suddenly stop? I like this game!!
Not a clue who they are so I'll just guess by name, Shatteredmoons
Ok, would you rather have a mate that makes you melt every time you talk to him/her who is in another clan, or a mate who is in the same clan that shows no emotion what so ever and you wonder why you fell for him in the first place?
Post by blair on Apr 5, 2008 7:01:44 GMT -5
Obviously, a different clan
From my cats to your cats on here, would you rather have one of your she-cats be a mate of Soulrebel (CloudClan), or your tom be a mate of Whisperedsong (BrightClan)?
Post by Dansen[Mouse] on Apr 6, 2008 6:40:33 GMT -5
Would you rather have your banished clan cat become a kittypet or a forever hunted rouge.
Post by blair on Apr 20, 2008 0:34:10 GMT -5
Forever hunted rogue xD
Would you rather be a deputy whom couldn't be leader (when the leader just died) because you where suddenly killed nobly in battle, or because you've just had kits (assuming you're a she cat)?
Post by kee :] on Apr 20, 2008 12:50:46 GMT -5
The kit one. ^^
Would you rather sacrifice yourself in battle for the cat you loved or die together, leaving your kits alone.
Post by Dansen[Mouse] on Apr 21, 2008 13:17:54 GMT -5
Sacrifice ^^ The 'oh so noble death'
Would you rather...
Have your cat enter a clan even though they were formally a Kittypet or Rouge/Loner
Post by kee :] on Apr 21, 2008 15:58:53 GMT -5
Rogue/loner. Kittypets... should stay where they belong. XD
Would you rather have been a cat in the first or second series of Warrior books?
Post by Dansen[Mouse] on Apr 23, 2008 13:43:46 GMT -5
Second because I want to make the Journey as a young cat XD
Would you rather: Be a Medicine Cat or Deputy
Post by sandy on Apr 23, 2008 23:02:23 GMT -5
Medicine Cat Wound you rather be in thunderclan or shadowclan
Post by Dansen[Mouse] on Apr 24, 2008 13:34:44 GMT -5
Would you rather die a quick death from being hit on a Thunderpath while chasing a rabbit and become the joke of your Clan or a slow painful death after being mauled by a dog while saving a group of kits and becoming a hero
Post by kee :] on Apr 24, 2008 14:17:26 GMT -5
Be a hero! Bring on the pain! >333
Would you rather be the attacking Clan or the Clan running away like cowards?
Post by sandy on Apr 25, 2008 23:09:10 GMT -5
attacking clan would you rather be a kit or a elder
Post by Dansen[Mouse] on Apr 26, 2008 10:38:47 GMT -5
Elder, very wise 0=3
Would you rather be the extremely evil TigerCLAW or the ever awesome Scourge?
I refuse to call him a leader name!
Post by sandy on Apr 30, 2008 20:39:07 GMT -5
Scourge Would your rather have Greencough or Whitecough
Post by Dansen[Mouse] on May 2, 2008 7:40:26 GMT -5
Whitecough Would you rather... Have a bouncey personality and everyone in the Clan thinks you nutz? or Be so mean nobody like you except for the other mean cat who are in your Clan?
Post by sandy on May 2, 2008 17:04:33 GMT -5
Have a bouncey personality and everyone in the Clan thinks you nutz (I rather me nutz than evil) Would you rather be Yellowfang or Cinderpelt