Post by sandy on Mar 26, 2008 20:41:39 GMT -5
.:Name:. Ironscar
.:Gender:. Tom
.:Age:. 17 moons
.:Clan:. Moonclan
.:Rank:. Warrior
.:Looks:. Ironscar is a tan tom with dark blue eyes. His belly is a snowy white that makes him look sparkley from under. He has muscular legs and body, making him look a lot bigger. His paws are a snowy white that is also sparkley. His fur is short showing his muscles a lot more. When he is angry his eyes flash menacingly. Around his eyes are sparkley snowy white circles. In the sun his eyes turn a beautiful light blue. His tail is medium length, the same tan color as his pelt. His ears are a sparkley white with odd silver tufts. He has a long gray scar down his left cheek, he has long hook-like white claws. He has large paws so he can have a more powerful blow. His legs are also very strong making him look older then he really is. His tail is the only fluffy part on his body except for his snowy white chest.
.:Actions:. He is a very hyper tom cat. He always tries to boss the apprentice's around and lead them. He loves to play with kits, tag, chase, and even leader. He has a lot of odd mood swings, the most common ones are anger and calmness. He is brave and stubborn but is lovable. He loves to run around and gets into small trouble. He gets very destracted a lot, ecpeically when he's talking. But most of the time he is very happy. He isn't shy around anyone and he will speak his mind. He likes to talk a lot and can get very annoying sometimes. He is a very loyal warrior to his clan even if he is a young warrior. He recpects everyone and everything that the clan gives him and he sometimes gets the respect back. He changes the subject when he's speaking without knowing it and goes back to it at random times. He never likes others seeing him cry and can be very sensitive. He would die for his clan if he had to.
.:Past:. When Ironscar was Ironkit he was born outside of his camp. He had 3 siblings, Iceteeth, Veinfire, and Minnowkit. His mother was a loner with the name of Heartburg, she had met with his father Fangclaw almost everytime he went out. Heartburg died giving birth to 3 kits, him, Iceteeth, and Veinfire. Ironkit's father took them in so they didn't die. After he was made an apprentice with his sisters, his father mated with another Flamingeagle. She only bore one kit who died an hour after it was born. A band of rogues attacked the camp killing Fangclaw and Flamingeagle. After Ironpaw was made Ironscar his sister Veinfire died of green-cough. He was really sad when he heard the news, he and his other sister Iceteeth mourned for Veinfire for awhile. A couple moons after that Iceteeth was killed by a tribe member at his paws. Her death left Ironscar with no one but himself. When he turned 17 moons old his menter Trainglaze died of a burst blood vessle inside of his head. All the deaths put him in the shadows sometimes, but he is grateful to still be living.
.:Relationships/Kin:. Parents_x Fangclaw[killed], Heartburg[died] Father's second mate_x Flamingeagle[killed] Sisters_x Iceteeth[killed], Veinfire[died] Brother_x Minnowkit[died] Former mentor_x Trainglaze[died]
.:Other:. none
.:Codewords:. Poison tears crash down
Post by lonelylove :D on Mar 26, 2008 20:46:19 GMT -5
Uh, Moonclan has a leader...You know that, right? [/blockquote]
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Mar 26, 2008 20:47:47 GMT -5
Well...I think I speak for everyone when I say that you need some water dumped on your head >>;;
1] There's already a MoonClan Leader 2] No Leader has EVER been 12 moons. That's barely warrior age. They have no experience whatsoever in leading a Clan. 3] You need to add more to his description and history everything and run this through spellcheck if you please. 4] The codewords are far from correct...
Post by lonelylove :D on Mar 26, 2008 20:51:25 GMT -5
Wow wee, when Aurrie says she's bio tyrant, you better believe her. XD -salutes- [/blockquote]
Post by FIREH!! on Mar 27, 2008 14:04:50 GMT -5
Thanks Aurrie, you took the words straight from my mouth!
Post by Spice..xx on Mar 27, 2008 14:49:25 GMT -5
If i have ever loved anyone, i love Aurrie now!!!
What a LOL you are my dear Aurrers!
And more to the point, everything she said is totally true >.>.
Post by echo on Mar 27, 2008 23:11:55 GMT -5
Wow! Sandy! I think you need to fix this ^^;;
Post by the CORB.inator on Mar 28, 2008 15:20:15 GMT -5
And if it's a warrior why does it have a leader name? Aurr thank you, your a saint!
Post by Spice..xx on Mar 28, 2008 15:44:33 GMT -5
I'm sorry if this is a very stupid question, but Sandy have you read the warriors books, i.e do you know how the site works, how the Clans work etc? Cos this bio is being pretty self-explainatory so far... ><.
Also, i just noticed this but your IC is wrong. Its about how you roleplay your character, not about your character again. You basically just need to show you and your character in action so everyone else can see how you roleplay etc ^^.
Post by Dansen[Mouse] on Mar 28, 2008 15:58:00 GMT -5
I agree with Deja STOP BAGGING HER!!!!
Post by Spice..xx on Mar 28, 2008 16:15:04 GMT -5
If the bio was incomplete then it shouldnt have been posted. She should have checked it over with one of you guys beforehand, i asked Fernie to help me out on my first one and i still had to add to it.
Nobody is saying the bio should be perfect first time, but it just appeared that Sandy didnt know what to do and thats why nice people like Aurrie were trying to give her tips to help her out and make her bio good (or at least acceptable). The whole water-on-head thing....yeah, Aurrie aint being mean, its the way she is ^^.
And if she doesnt know how to rp why did she want to join a rp site in the first place?
Sandy, this is NOT a dig at you, im sure you are a very nice person and everyone was only trying to be helpful. Its not you i have the problem with ><.
Seriously, im sick of everyone taking things so bloody personally. .
Post by fernie. (: on Mar 28, 2008 16:22:12 GMT -5
You know what I think?
Everyone who isn't an admin shouldn't be posting comments on bios in the first place.
This would have been handled anyway without everyone getting involved.
I remember when almost everyone that has posted was a newbie and posted a bio that needed to be fixed.
Yes, I'll say that it does need work.
But people learn, right? My first bio was a one liner in everything. Get over it.
Welcome to BRC, Sandy! [/size]
Post by Spice..xx on Mar 28, 2008 16:26:31 GMT -5
Before anyone has a hissy fit im not having a dig at anyone. My first bio was c.rap but like Fernie said we learn, bla bla bla.
I shouldnt have got involved in the first place but i like giving advice, normally people take it on and like it without their friends interfering first.
But hell, whatever i'll just not speak then. Obviously my opinion aint wanted, and Sandy i apologize if this has upset you in any way.
Your the only one getting an apology.
Post by sandy on Mar 29, 2008 0:45:58 GMT -5
Ok if you guys would quit saying stuff and looked over my bio. again. You will see that I fixed it thanks to Rogue
Post by //Forgotten\\ on Mar 29, 2008 5:53:57 GMT -5
I don't really think everyone who isn't an admin shouldn't be posting comments on bios in the first place, like you said. Honestly, I think it's fine for us to get involved, and give some advice to people who may need it. P.S. Nice bio Sandy! Better then my bios....
Post by SHADE. :D on Mar 29, 2008 6:23:24 GMT -5
Everyone makes mistakes, guys. ^^ Let's put this all behind us and move on. Thanks for listening to the advice Sandy. Your biography is now correct and pretty good! Accepted.
Post by Spice..xx on Mar 29, 2008 6:38:59 GMT -5
Its a really good bio now Sandy ^^, well done and well done Rogue for helping *gives karma as peace offering*
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Mar 29, 2008 7:34:43 GMT -5
StarClan help us... ._.