Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 17, 2007 14:19:06 GMT -5
Runningcloud's muscles hurt as she dragged the last body of the rogues that had eaten her baited prey. She tossed them into the ravine for crowfood and sat down in camp to thoroughly groom herself after handling death so much.
Death... Willowkit...
She cringed at the thought of her failure that she had put off Willowkit's apprenticeship. Shaking herself with a growl, she came to her feet only to be greeted by Pansypaw.
"Hello, Runningcloud!" the ginger she-cat said cheerily. "I helped the others with their injuries. It won't be long now before they leave the medicine den." She wagged her tail with a gentle grin on her face.
Runningcloud couldn't help thinking how good of a warrior Pansypaw would be. She helped out immensely and aided Brindletalon when a rogue had tried to ambush the tom. Clearpool had done well teaching the apprentice. The ginger and white she-cat smiled back at Pansypaw and dipped her head. "Thanks," she said. The medicine cat turned. Petalpaw, Daisypaw, and Pansypaw should be warriors soon. Her tail drooped. Moonkit... She glanced up at the sky, following the path of a kestrel as it flew by. The moon was still in the sky, even though it was morning. She suddenly flashed it a gentle smile, thanking StarClan for the sign that the tom was still alive. She would have to tell Cherrysmoke later.
Pansypaw made her good-byes and ran off to go find Clearpool for some fighting practice.
Post by FIREH!! on Nov 17, 2007 16:28:23 GMT -5
A white she-cat padded quietly to Runningcloud. She smiled gently. Runningcloud? She meowed, Are you okay? She looked at the medicine cat curiously, concern crossing her usually calm features.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 17, 2007 17:15:34 GMT -5
Runningcloud turned to Snowflake, the massive she-cat blinking. "What? Oh, yes, I'm fine. Thanks though," she said, waving her tail at Snowflake's concern. She turned to the fresh-kill pile.
"Hey, I know I'm not deputy anymore, but...could you take some cats out to go hunting? And if you see Pastelsky, send her over to me," she told the she-cat.
Post by FIREH!! on Nov 17, 2007 17:24:18 GMT -5
Snowflake looked at the medicine cat, deep concern in her eyes, but said nothing. She nodded and meowed, If anything bothers you, let me know. You can talk to me about it. She licked the medicine cat's ear before turning away. She padded into the warriors' den and meowed, Anyone want to hunt with me?
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Nov 18, 2007 9:10:55 GMT -5
Pastelsky jumped up at the chance to get out of camp, but Runningcloud probably wanted to see her. She pushed past Snowflake, flicking her friend's flank affectionately as she went. Silently darting around pools of blood, Pastelsky made her way to the medicine den. She stood in shock when she saw just how many cats were in there - surely Runningcloud had enough to worry about! Sighing and shaking her head, she padded up to Runningcloud. She respected Runningcloud even more now than she had when she was deputy, because now Runningcloud had held both important positions in the Clan with the utmost strength. "Hello, Runningcloud," she meowed, dipping her head. [/color][/blockquote]
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 18, 2007 13:38:33 GMT -5
Runningcloud's eyes brightened. "Ah, Pastelsky, I was just telling Snowflake to come get you if she saw you. Come in, come in," she said, gesturing with her tail. The broad-shouldered female tended to some patients while Pastelsky got herself settled. When she was done there, she turned to the she-cat.
"That battle was a dangerous move," Runningcloud said gravely. She held up a poultice and nudged it to Pastelsky. "I'm going to continue what we were doing yesterday. Pastelsky, I think you might be pregnant..." She tilted her head, green eyes twinkling maternally.
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Nov 18, 2007 17:48:06 GMT -5
"Pregnant?" gasped the brown-pelted she-cat. Mouseclaw's kits... She shakily licked up the bitter poultice, her eyes glazed uncertainly. At least Hyenapaw was almost a warrior. She longed to run to her mate and tell him the good news, but he was gone. Forever. Tears stained Pastelsky's cheeks, and her voice was hoarse as she meowed, "Th-they're Mouseclaw's." Her green eyes fluttered around the medicine den sadly. Sunshine bathed her back, but she still felt cold and empty inside. [/color][/blockquote]
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 18, 2007 18:09:41 GMT -5
"Hey, it's okay. I...know you miss him," Runningcloud said gently, bending to gently lick Pastelsky's ear. "There will be no doubt that the whole of SerenityClan will be there for you. Mouseclaw...was a great warrior." She bent her head, remembering when he had been made a warrior when Brindletalon at the same time she had been made deputy. She had boasted that he and Brindletalon had better get good or else she'd beat them in battle herself. Her shoulders slumped when she remembered that he had escorted her to the MoonShard to become a medicine cat. Mouseclaw had been a good friend. The ginger-pelted she-cat pulled a smile onto her face. "Don't cry, Pastelsky. The kits will be excellent warriors someday, just like their father."
Post by [xoxo] shard. :) on Nov 18, 2007 20:25:05 GMT -5
A dark colored kit sat by the entrance to the medicine cat's den, as he did every day, but you couldn't really classify him as a kit anymore. He was growing, bigger and muscular, and quite wise. He was becoming like his father, except without the short temper. But here, he sat every day, longing for a purpose in life. He wanting to live in this Clan, where he'd feel like he could do something for someone, somewhere that someone could depend on him.
Somewhere...where he would actually matter.
He needed a place that could give him a reason to live besides to go on and die. And he knew this was the place, because of that special cat who lived here who made him happy whenever he saw her. That cat who was dubbed Petalpaw.
Night Tree noticed a saddened Runningcloud, mourning over her loss of Willowkit. He didn't know either of the cats very well, but he knew they had a connection, even though they tended to quarrel quite a bit. Flashing an expression of pity, his forest-green gaze drifted back to the apprenrice den, simply waiting for Petalpaw to emerge.[/sup]
Post by SHADE. :D on Nov 19, 2007 15:21:22 GMT -5
Octoberlies lingered in the back of the medicine den, green eyes sullen. He brightened a bit as Snowflake entered the den, but as she left he seemed to droop again. The grey tabby tom licked his paws, his injuries stinging. The tom looked up as Pastelsky entered the den. He tried not to listen to what Runningcloud was saying, not wanting to intrude on the warrior's privacy. But Octoberlies could not help overhearing what Runningcloud had said. Pastelsky was going to have kits! Mouseclaw's kits! Octoberlies smiled, the first real smile he had cracked in moons. The grey tabby rose from the shadows to touch noses with Pastelsky. "Sorry, I couldn't help overhearing," he murmured, eyes screwing up as he shifted. "Congratulations. They will be brilliant warriors, just like Mouseclaw." Octoberlies looked up at the sky. "He will be so proud."
Post by FIREH!! on Nov 19, 2007 15:49:20 GMT -5
ooc;; What happened to Mouseclaw?
bic;; Snowflake padded to the fresh-kill pile and picked up a thrush, a vole, and a mouse. She walked back into the Medicine den and dropped off the vole to Runningcloud. Then she walked to the back of the den, where Ocotberlies's nest was. She placed the mouse and thrush beside him and meowed, Thought you'd want some company. She grinned. Do you want the thrush or mouse? She asked.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 19, 2007 16:42:17 GMT -5
((*mock gasp* The ghosties of Shade's army dragged him into the night!!!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! ))
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Nov 19, 2007 19:38:50 GMT -5
[ooc] Exactly. >o Hey Shade, will Hyenapaw, Barleypaw, Treepaw and Barrenpaw ever know who their father is?
Pastelsky dipped her head and rest it on her chest. "Thank you," she murmured, looking up to Octoberlies and then Runningcloud. "You're a great medicine cat," she meowed, standing up and stretching. "I'm worried about Hyenapaw, though," her green eyes clouded over uncertianly. "What if I can't train him? And when do I move to the nursury?" Suddenly, having kits was an amazingly scary thing; and her mind jumbled with unorginized thoughts. [/blockquote][/color]
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 19, 2007 20:05:47 GMT -5
Runningcloud blushed at the compliment and then lifted her head. She placed her paw forward. "I will train him in my spare time, for your sake. There may be some injured from the battle but none of them are serious. They will be healed in a few days," she said in a tone that meant no argument. "And as for you, you should move into the nursery now. There's no telling when those kits could come." She flashed Pastelsky a smile. "Besides, I can't stay cooped up here forever." She gestured to the medicine den. "Brindletalon'll beat me." She laughed pleasantly and strode out of the den, setting Pansypaw on patrol in case anything happened.
She turned to Hye--wait, what?--and then tilted her head. She could have sworn Hyenapaw was talking right then, but no, it was Octoberlies. Her brows suddenly raised as she silently put two and two together. She would have to talk to the tom later. "Octoberlies, have you seen Hyenapaw lately? I'm about to go train with him in the camp center," she stated, once again becoming the stern-faced, sturdy-footed warrior.
Post by SHADE. :D on Nov 20, 2007 11:05:50 GMT -5
// Bwahaha, my ghosties! *evil grin* Yes... They will find out, in the most dramatic way possible! Hehe. ^^
Octoberlies nodded to Pastelsky, smiling. As she spoke of Hyenapaw, he frowned. He wondered who would train his son whilst Pastelsky was in the nursery. The grey warrior looked relieved as Runningcloud offered, but quickly rearranged his expression as Snowflake padded towards him. He took the thrush, his green eyes grateful. "Thanks," he mewed, twitching his tail tip. Octoberlies pulled feathers out of the thrush's limp body, until he reached the flesh. He then began to eat. The tom looked up as Runningcloud called his name. Swallowing, he spoke. "He went into the apprentices' den after you checked his injuries out," he mewed, before returning to the bird.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 20, 2007 12:22:52 GMT -5
Runningcloud nodded to Octoberlies in thanks. The broad-shouldered female lifted herself up and made her way to the apprentice's den. Her rich voice sang out, like an ancestral battle call. "Hyenapaw!" The ginger she-cat sat down by the den and waited for him to come out.
Pansypaw peeked her head inside. "I'll help you to the nursery, Pastelsky," she offered helpfully, the ginger she-cat coming to the queen's side.
Post by FIREH!! on Nov 20, 2007 15:46:10 GMT -5
Snowflake picked up the mouse and moved it. She picked up the feathers from the thrush and lined Octoberlies's nest with them. She then crouched and ate the mouse beside Octoberlies. So how are you feeling? She asked him when she was finished.
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Nov 20, 2007 18:36:23 GMT -5
[ooc] You're so evil... xD I like it! Barrenpaw will be so confused to find his beloved father is a SerenityClanner...
Pastelsky nodded to Runningcloud. "Okay," she meowed curtly. All this news was finally beginning to get to her, and she was drastically tired. She longed to sleep in her own den tonight, but she knew it would be safer for both her and her kits to stay in the nursery. "Thanks, Pansypaw." the dark brown queen sighed, falling into step with the apprentice. [/color][/blockquote]
Post by SHADE. :D on Nov 23, 2007 16:11:58 GMT -5
Hyenapaw padded from the apprentices' den, twitching his broad, creamy ginger shoulders. The young tom looked up as he recognized Runningcloud's face. He turned to draw his tongue roughly over the scratches lacing his shoulders. Hyenapaw then blinked at Runningcloud, confused as to why she was calling him - he had expected Pastelsky. Sighing. Hyenapaw padded closer to the medicine cat. "D'you need me?" he asked, pushing the annoyance out of his voice. The ginger tom looked over the large medicine cat's shoulder, blinking his narrow green eyes - the exact same shape as Octoberlies' eyes. Hyenapaw wondered whether Pastelsky was about; maybe they'd have time to train after he'd helped Runningcloud.
Octoberlies spat out a feather. "I'm alright," he mewed, wincing slightly as he shifted his legs. "I think the wounds are getting better. Hopefully I can start acting like a real warrior again, soon." The grey tabby ducked his head, taking a bite of the thrush to hide the bitterness in his eyes.
Post by FIREH!! on Nov 23, 2007 16:17:50 GMT -5
ooc;;Are you wanting October and Snow to falllll in loooovvvee??? xDD
bic;;Snowflake smiled sympathetically. If you want, I can ask Jasminestar if we can go out on a small patrol, so you can get out of the camp for a bit. She suggested, smiling a bit. She reached over and licked his ear. She could tell he was tense and felt bad for him. He hadn't been out of camp for awhile, and it was obviously getting to him.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 23, 2007 16:23:56 GMT -5
"Actually, yes," Runningcloud said briskly. "Pastelsky is going to be kitting soon, which is why she has been indisposed when it came to training you. I'm taking that position over. Follow me." The broad-shouldered she-cat turned away from him, her tail swishing right to left as she headed towards the center of the camp. At that point, she turned and lowered her body with a gentle smirking smile. Come and get me, her eyes said.
"You're welcome," Pansypaw grinned, leading Pastelsky to the nursery. She cleared off a moss bed for the new queen and sat down. "Are you hungry? I can get you a thrush or something."
Post by Spice..xx on Nov 24, 2007 5:55:04 GMT -5
Brindletalon stuck his head through the medicine cat den entrance. He had been going to visit Octoberlies, in case his friend was lonely but when he saw he was already with Snowflake he backed out with a quick flash of a smile towards the two cats. He padded over to the fresh-kill pile and looked around. He wondered if maybe Crocuspool would like to go hunting. He looked around for the pretty she-cat but couldnt spot her anywhere. He looked over to see if anyone had seen her. "Runningcloud have you seen Crocuspool?" he called to the medicine cat, noticing she was going out of camp with a surprised looking Hyenapaw. He looked around for Crocuspool once more before settling his dark brown eyes on Runningcloud once more. Clearpool sat in a shaded spot cleaning the wounds she had obtained during the battle. She knew none were serious so she didnt go to Runningcloud, she just decided to clean them herself. And anyway, Runningcloud was going out. She looked around the camp and sighed softly. She was so glad that the battle was over. SerenityClan would take a little while to recover but she was sure they would cope and come out even stronger than they were before in the end.
Post by SHADE. :D on Nov 24, 2007 12:26:06 GMT -5
Hyenapaw stared at Runningcloud in disbelief. The ginger tom tensed, trying hard not to bare his sharp teeth. He felt somehow betrayed. He knew that it was not exactly Pastelsky's fault that she was going to have kits, but he felt as if she were abandoning him. And being trained by Runningcloud? There was nothing wrong with the she-cat, but she was a medicine cat. Not a warrior. So maybe she was once a warrior, but not now. Sighing, Hyenapaw scuffed his paws on the earth. After a moments grumbling, the lean apprentice trudged after Runningcloud, ears low.
A pretty tortoiseshell and white cat padded from the nursery, blinking her clear hazel eyes in the sudden sunlight. Crocuspool had been playing with the youngest BrightClanners. She found this highly pleasurable. Crocuspool noticed Brindletalon, and trotted towards him with a gladdened murmur. The tortoiseshell rubbed her cheek against her friend's - she was glad that he seemed to have recovered from his injuries. Crocuspool turned to draw her tongue ruefully over the slash marks that still scored her own, soft pelt. "Hi," she mewed brightly.
Octoberlies twitched the end of his tail. "I doubt that I'd be allowed to accompany you," he mewed. Afterward, he realised how ungrateful he must have sounded. Blushing, the tom spoke again. "But thanks for the offer. Maybe it'd work." The grey tabby tom could not help feeling comforted when Snowflake's tongue rasped over his ears. He turned his eyes back to the thrush, awkardly taking another bite.
Post by Spice..xx on Nov 24, 2007 13:53:23 GMT -5
Brindletalon eyes softened as he saw Crocuspool approach. He felt a starnge skip inside his as she touched her cheek to his and he looked down for a moment, embarrased. When he looked back up again he smiled. "Hey. Would you like to go hunting? The kill-pile is pretty low" he said, indicating with his tail to the sorry looking pile of kills. He looked at her again and felt a warm tingling sensation from his ears to his tail. He blinked a few times, avoiding her pretty hazel eyes.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 24, 2007 15:05:44 GMT -5
"Yeah, she was over there last I saw!" Runningcloud called to Brindletalon, pointing to the nursery. Seeing the two reunite, she smiled and turned back to the tom.
Since Hyenapaw didn't seem to be enjoying this one bit and thus wasn't paying attention, Runningcloud turned with unsheathed claws and attempted to tackle him, narrowing her green eyes. "Don't underestimate me, Hyenapaw," she said through a smile of bared fangs. "I may be medicine cat now, but I was once named deputy. I've still got that spark. Don't think I've gone soft. You better defend yourself. I'm going all out." She fell back onto her haunches and launched a full-blown swing at the tom's face, claws out. This was no baby session; this was a full-on spar.
Post by FIREH!! on Nov 24, 2007 18:17:01 GMT -5
Snowflake smiled gently. Come on, I'll go ask Runningcloud. I'll be right back. With the flick of her tail, she plodded to Runningcloud, and meowed a greeting. Do you think it'd be okay if I brought Octoberlies into the forest? We won't run into any trouble, and we'll stay close to the camp. Is that alright? She asked.
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Nov 24, 2007 18:32:33 GMT -5
Pastelsky shook her head wearily. "No thank you," she meowed as she lay down in her nest. "You're a great help," she praised the to-be warrior. Curling up into a ball of brown fur, she drew her tail over her nose. She hoped Hyenapaw didn't mind being trained by Runningcloud. He'll understand, she told herself. She couldn't ask for a better apprentice - although sometimes he was a bit high-energy, he was always eager to learn. The nursury soothed her worried mind with it's warm milk-scent that had been so framiliar as a kitten. Breathing slowly, she drifted off to a calm, dreamless sleep. [/color][/blockquote]
Post by SHADE. :D on Nov 26, 2007 11:08:21 GMT -5
Hyenapaw was not prepared for Runningcloud's tackle, and let out a yowl as the medicine cat pinned him. The tom sprang to his paws the moment the ginger and white she-cat stepped away. Hyenapaw bared his teeth at her in a furious hiss. As her unsheathed paw swung towards his face, he was prepared. The creamy ginger tom pulled his head back, before ducking underneath Runningcloud's outstretched paw and butting her chest with his head. He then jumped back, hoping his manouevere had worked. The apprentice glanced around quickly, before turning back to Runningcloud, green eyes flashing.
Octoberlies gave a small smile. "Alright, then," he mewed. "But be careful," he warned. "She's training Hyenapaw - she might be a bit agitated. Hyenapaw sometimes has that effect on others." The grey tabby looked at his paws, hiding a wider smile. Hyenapaw reminded him forcibly of his former mate, Butterflypaw. The young CloudClanner had not lived very long after they had secretly become mates. Octoberlies sighed - was it because of him that the innocent Butterflypaw had died so young? Had it been a punishment?
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Nov 26, 2007 16:05:22 GMT -5
Runningcloud let out a hearty laugh, a praising one not condescending. As she turned to reply to Snowflake, Hyenapaw's chest bump sent her onto her haunches. On a slimmer cat, there was no mistake that that tackle would have sent them head-over-heels. Collecting herself for a moment to respond, she turned to Snowflake, "Yes, that's fine. Just stay out of trouble and make sure he gets some good exercise. I won't be having one of my patients becoming a bump on a log!" she called out laughingly. The broad she-cat turned back to Hyenapaw with a mischievious glint in her eyes dating back to the time when she was an apprentice just like Hyenapaw. Her muscles tensed, sending her powerful body into the air. She landed in front of the apprentice with a husky snarl, turning to swipe at the apprentice's ear and muzzle. She hoped for a sound hit.
Pansypaw smiled at Pastelsky's praise. "Well, if you need anything, just call. I'm still just an apprentice," she laughed, trotting out of the nursery. She flicked her tail in greeting to Brindletalon, Crocuspool, Octoberlies, and Snowflake before padding off to the fresh-kill pile to fetch some for the elders and the other queens.
Post by SHADE. :D on Nov 27, 2007 10:58:24 GMT -5
Hyenapaw lifted his tail in a challenge as Runningcloud watched him. His fur bristled as though he were fighting a real battle. Then again, he had fought enough battles in his short life to know that they were definately no joke. Hyenapaw hissed as Runningcloud leapt, landing before him. The apprentice blinked, quickly sharpening his reflexes. He was ready for the swipe to his ear, and ducked, but Hyenapaw realised that he had made the wrong move a split second too late. Whilst he should have drawn back to avoid both strikes, to his ear and muzzle, he had moved sideways. And so Runningcloud's sharp foreclaws scored a cut in his muzzle. Hyenapaw stepped back, more embarrased than in pain. The cut stung, but it was nothing. The tom did not hesitate, before throwing himself into the air in a massive leap. Sailing over Runningcloud's back, he landed behind her. The ginger tom wriggled beneath her stomach, and leapt upright. If the move had gone correctly, it should've sent Runningcloud into the air, but Hyenapaw was aware thar it was likely to go wrong.
Crocuspool smiled genuinely at Brindletalon. "If you like," she mewed brightly, her hazel eyes sparkling. She thought she caught a trace of embarrasment flash over her friend's muzzle, and let out an amused purr. "I won't bite, you know. But I might claw." The tortoiseshell pretended to claw her friend's creamy chest with a sheathed forepaw, her ears perked forward.