Post by lonelylove :D on Jun 10, 2007 17:25:37 GMT -5
A slim white she-cat led the way toward Serenityclan camp. Behind her was Snowflake, Octoberlies, Brindlepaw, and Mousepaw. And herself? Jasminestar, new leader of Serenityclan. The orange sky reigned above them, and Jasminestar couldn't help but quicken her step. Ooh, it was good to be home! She called back at the others. Almost home, everybody! She began to run fast, like a white bullet. C'mon, c'mon!
Post by SHADE. :D on Jun 11, 2007 10:04:29 GMT -5
Octoberlies followed Jasminestar with spring in his step. He could not help but feel optimistic on a bright day like this. He could smell the scent of home. The grey tabby tom smiled as Jasminestar raced on ahead. "She's like a kit," he commented to Brindlepaw, whom he was walking beside. He knew his friends, Mousepaw and Brindlepaw, would be excited beyond imagination. They were to become warriors when the party reached home. Octoberlies increased his pace to match his leader's, his long limbs blur of speed.
Post by Spice..xx on Jun 11, 2007 13:53:26 GMT -5
Brindlepaw smiled at Octoberlies' comment. He touched his nose quickly to his friends' flank before shortening his stride to run beside Mousepaw and Snowflake. He looked at Mousepaw, eyes shining. He opened his mouth to speak but words couldn't make this moment any better. Finally, he and Mousepaw were to become warriors! [/center][/color]
Post by lonelylove :D on Jun 11, 2007 17:26:59 GMT -5
She flashed the cats a smile, and began to run faster. The smell of Serenityclan cats begun to cloud in her nose and mouth. Finally, up ahead, the camp came into view. She skidded to a stop, and a cloud of dust rose up. She coughed, and batted at the dust with her paws. Then, she jumped up on her paws again and ran into camp. Oh, home! She paused in the middle of the clearing, and panted hard. Boy, that was a long and tiring journey. But she bounded up on to the high Rock, and let out a loud call. Everyone in camp, please come forward!
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Jun 12, 2007 7:17:50 GMT -5
Patelsky awoke to the sound of Jasmineflower - No, Jasminestar's call. Her friends were back! Stretching her limbs, she padded out of the nursery, yawning. Blinking in the morning light, her eyes adjusted to see the figures of four cats, a fifth one on the Highrock. "Mousepaw! she meowed happily, touching noses with the tom. She brushed the others - Snowflake, Octoberlies and Brindlepaw - with her tail affectionately before turning to her new leader. "Jasminestar," she said quietly, dipping her head. "I know you will be one of SerenityClan's greatest leaders."
Post by SHADE. :D on Jun 12, 2007 9:40:13 GMT -5
Octoberlies purred with pleasure. They were home! He licked Pastelsky's ear affectionately, glad to see his friend again. A flash of ginger fur announced the arrival of Hyenakit. The long snouted kit leapt upon Octoberlies, pulling the warrior's ears with his pin sharp teeth. "Octoberlies, Octoberlies! Your back! I was so bored!" Octoberlies shook the kit off of him and pinned him to the grass. He licked Hyenakit's face before prodding him in his soft, pale stomach. The kit squeaked. "I'm back alright," Octoberlies purred. Cherrysmoke pushed her way out of the nursery. She smiled faintly at the sight of her new leader and the returning cats. She slipped back inside, murmuring to her friend Dancingleaf; "Jasminestar is back."
Post by fernie. (: on Jun 12, 2007 11:58:44 GMT -5
Foxtail padded slowly through the undergrowth, almost back at camp. She could hear a cat's call, and she was sure it was...Jasminestar's. She turned around to look for Deathwish. 'Deathwish! Jasminestar's back!' she said, walking faster.
Post by Spice..xx on Jun 12, 2007 12:56:16 GMT -5
Brindlepaw purred and touched his nose to Pastelskys cheek before turning to sit next to Octoberlies. A flash of ginger whizzed past him and Brindlepaw jumped in suprise. Oh, its only Hyenakit! he thought to himself, smiling. He laughed at Octoberlies and Hyenakit together, they were so close. [/center][/color]
Post by FIREH!! on Jun 12, 2007 16:57:00 GMT -5
An evil cat ran into the clearing, making her prescence known. She leaped upon Pastelsky and tried to wrestle her to the ground.
Snowflake dragged herself into camp, and collapsed.
Post by lonelylove :D on Jun 12, 2007 18:30:46 GMT -5
ooc; Uhh...Fireh? I think it would be better if there were no evil kitties trying to attack while there is a clan meeting >.< xD
bic; Jasminestar nodded faintly to Pastelsky. I thank you for your support. She decided enough cats had come already, so she began. As most of you know, I and my accompaniments came back from Moonshard. Starclan did accept me, so now I am the new leader of Serenityclan. She gave them all a smile. I hope you will all accept me as leader. Her face then turned neutral. As most of you know, two apprentices of ours, Brindlepaw and Mousepaw, are now ready to become warriors. She gave the two an apolegetic smile. I know you two probably wish I would perform your ceremony now. However, I find it more convient that I perform them this evening. Also, one kit will have their apprentice ceremony, She paused to give Hyenakit a smile, Along with the annoucment of the new deputy and medicine cat.
Post by Wolf on Jun 13, 2007 10:50:04 GMT -5
Deathwish padded over to Foxtail and stood by her side.
Post by SHADE. :D on Jun 13, 2007 12:31:03 GMT -5
.ooc; Um, yeah, could we do it afterwards? I've waited for ages for Hyenakit's apprentice ceremony. xD Hyenakit wriggled excitedly. He looked back up at Jasminestar, his amber eyes bright as the full moon. The ginger tomkit rolled over onto his back and squirmed in the dust restlessly. He'd waited so long to be an apprentice. Now he just had to wait a matter of hours! Hyenakit smiled to himself, peering up at the bright, cloud splattered sky. He knew Hollykit was up there, watching over him. He still loved her, and missed her with all of his little heart.
Post by Spice..xx on Jun 13, 2007 15:02:37 GMT -5
Brindlepaw was so happy he felt like he could fly! He turned to Mousepaw and bowled into his friend in joy, wrestling with his happily, keeping his claws sheathed. He finally stood up and looked at Octoberlies. "Congratulations" he said, nodding towards Hyenakit. He smiled in delight. This had to be the happiest day of his life! [/center][/color]
Post by FIREH!! on Jun 13, 2007 15:38:52 GMT -5
ooc:// Okay.
bic:// A cat sat in the shadows, waiting for the perfect time to strike.
Snowflake was tired, but she stood and listened.
Post by lonelylove :D on Jun 13, 2007 17:04:01 GMT -5
ooc; I'm gonna wait until everyone else has posted once more before I perform the ceremonies. Remember, it'll be evening.
Post by trissea on Jun 13, 2007 23:43:28 GMT -5
Mousepaw was so excited he could barely breathe, his heart pounding. A warrior! He shot an exited glance at Brindlepaw, and suddenly found himself staring into Pastelsky's face. He blushed under his thick fur and waited, now looking at his paws.
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Jun 14, 2007 5:24:29 GMT -5
Pastelsky looked over worriedly at Snowflake. "You okay?" she asked, moving past Mousepaw and causing their pelts to brush. Licking her on the ear, she sat down beside her snowy white friend. [/center][/color]
Post by SHADE. :D on Jun 14, 2007 9:34:15 GMT -5
Hyenakit sprang to his paws, launching himself at Brindlepaw. He landed on the tom's head, and slid down onto his dappled back. The ginger tom sat there, tail tip twitching. "I'm going to be an apprentice at last!" he purred happily. "Maybe she'll be my mentor," he gestured to Snowflake. "Or her," his tail pointed in Pastelsky's direction. "Or him, or her," his little paws swatted the air near Deathwish and Foxtail. He was so excited!
Post by Spice..xx on Jun 14, 2007 11:42:31 GMT -5
Brindlepaw yowled in suprise as the little weight klanded on top of him. "Hey, you cheeky monster, get off!" he meowed good naturedly and gently shook the kit off. He nodded. " Or maybe Octoberlies will be your mentor" he said, smiling at his friend. [/center][/color]
Post by SHADE. :D on Jun 15, 2007 9:50:46 GMT -5
Hyenakit leapt neatly doen, landing easily on all four paws. The light ginger kit wrinkled his nose. "I don't know," he mewed, deadly serious. "He'd probably nag me all the time." Octoberlies swatted the kit with a slender grey paw, purring in amusement. "Watch it, gingerpaws!" The warrior licked Hyenakit between the ears, and the little tom rubbed his smooth pelt against his grey snout with a little purr.
Post by FIREH!! on Jun 16, 2007 6:34:21 GMT -5
Snowflake sat with her head on her paws, too tired to do anything else.
Post by lonelylove :D on Jun 16, 2007 10:46:49 GMT -5
ooc; Alright. This evening.
bic; Jasminestar stepped out of the leader's den. The shadows had lengthened greatly since the morning. She balanced on the ledge carefully. A few cats milled around the clearing, anxious to hear what she had to say. To those who weren't out already, she called out. All clan members come forward!
Post by Spice..xx on Jun 16, 2007 11:06:18 GMT -5
Brindlepaw heard the call and held his breath. This was it! He jogged quickly out into the clearing and sat down. He looked around for Octoberlies and Mousepaw, hoping his friends would sit beside him. Letting out the breath, he kneaded the ground anxiously with his paws. [/center][/color]
Post by SHADE. :D on Jun 16, 2007 11:11:26 GMT -5
Hyenakit lifted is rump, wriggling it excitedly. Octoberlies prodded him with a paw, causing the light ginger kit to dart forwards. He stood beside Brindlepaw, bouncing on his paw pads. Octoberlies sighed and padded over, picking up the tom in his jaws. Hyenakit's body was warm in his jaws. He sat the ginger kit between his paws. "Wait until it's your turn," he purred. Hyenakit nodded vigorously, green eyes bursting with excitement.
Cherrysmoke poked her head out of the nursery, then padded out. The reddish brown queen trotted in to the opening, her blue-green eyes bright with happiness. Hyenakit was being apprenticed, good. She and her litter had grown fond of the wayward ginger tom, but knew that he deserved this. And, at last, Brindlepaw and Mousepaw were to become warriors! SerenityClan needed more warriors. Cherrysmoke sat beside Deathwish, her long tail curled around her paws.
Post by lonelylove :D on Jun 16, 2007 13:52:15 GMT -5
ooc; Oh yeah! Cherrysmoke's litter should probably be apprenticed, too. But are there enough warriors to be mentors?
Post by trissea on Jun 17, 2007 20:27:29 GMT -5
Mousepaw felt Pastelsky's pelt brush his and a flurry of emotion overwhelmed his heart and made his stomach flip. He glanced at her; she seemed concerned about Snowflake. "We're all just tired from going to the Moonshard,'' he meowed briskly. "And it doesn't look like you got much sleep." This continuation, of course, was directed toward Snowflake. Mousepaw was tired, too, but he was too excited to care. He was becoming a warrior!
He left the two she-cats, then, noticing Brindlepaw sitting all alone and kneading his now dusty paws into the ground. Mousepaw trundled casually over, wishing he felt half as confident as he looked. When he finally folded his haunches beneath his broad body, his green eyes looked over Brindlepaw excitedly."What'do you think your warrior name will be, Brindlepaw?" He asked quietly, still with his ears pricked toward Jasminestar. Personally, he was hoping for something good. Like Mousefoot, or Mousepelt, or Mouseclaw... He just didn't want a girly name. Like Mouseheart or Mousespirit.
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Jun 18, 2007 7:10:48 GMT -5
Pastelsky purred teasingly at Mousepaw. "Of coarse you're not tired, you silly furball!" Her jade eyes sparkling, she reached forward and batted his tail. "You're becoming a warrior!" she felt a tangle of emotions come over her - a few she couldn't place - but others too, happiness, joy... and was that pride? She half-closed her eyes, watching Mousepaw. Yes, pride. She wanted to be the first to call his name, the first to greet him as a warrior... She looked over at Snowflake and smiled sheepishly. [/center][/color]
Post by SHADE. :D on Jun 18, 2007 9:44:20 GMT -5
.ooc; No, they can't. Because one of them, Moonkit, is a plot kit. So they can't be apprenticed until they leave on the journey. And since Moonkit's actor is inactive.. <<
Post by Spice..xx on Jun 18, 2007 11:42:54 GMT -5
Brindlepaw smiled as Mousepaw came over to him. He listened and shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know, i just hope its a good one!" he purred happily. He touched his nose to his friends. "Finally its time!" he said, almost bouncing on his paws in excitement. Oh, he hoped Jasminestar wouldnt take long now to begin! [/center][/color]
Post by lonelylove :D on Jun 18, 2007 13:39:16 GMT -5
ooc; Oh right. Then nevermind. And Blue, I know your right. But don't fret. I'm just going to have Jasminestar announuce the medicine cat.
bic; Jasminestar nodded to all the cats. This evening, we have a ceremony and the announcement of the new deputy and medicine cat. She smiled to the kit who waited eagerly. Hyenakit, please come forward.
Petalkit, who had just joined her mother, began to cheer on Hyenakit. Hyenakit, you'll be an apprentice now! She gave him a big smile, as she did so to Jasminestar.