Post by lonelylove :D on May 4, 2007 17:45:23 GMT -5
Jasmineflower stepped out of the leader's den uneasily. Her heart skipped a beat as she stepped on to the end of the High Rock. She blinked her eyes and tried not to think about Reflectstar. About the truth. Breathing deeply, she let out a call.
All clan members come forward! [/sup][/color]
Post by SHADE. :D on May 5, 2007 5:41:36 GMT -5
Octoberlies padded away from the fresh-kill pile, having just arrived back from hunting. He sat beneath the High Rock, breifly wondering why Jasmineflower was holding this meeting, and not Reflectstar. Shrugging, he began to lick his dusty grey fur until it regained its usail sleekness. Maybe Mousepaw and Brndlepaw would recieve their warrior names now...? Cherrysmoke slipped out of the nursery, her long tail held low. She trotted briskly out and sat a few tail lengths away from Octoberlies. She twitched an ear in greeting to the young warrior, then looked up at Jasmineflower with confused eyes. Unlike Octoberlies, Cherrysmoke was troubled to why SerenityClan's deputy was taking the meeting, not Reflectstar. Hyenakit scampered from the nursery, his ginger fur fluffed out with excitement. Though he was not an apprentice yet, he had deemed to join the clan meeting, and leapt up to Octoberlies, sitting next to the warrior. Octoberlies peered down at his son, sighing. He wished the kit knew that he was his father, but he knew that it would not be possible to tell the little tom without the whole clan finding out about him and Butterflypaw.
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on May 5, 2007 6:50:38 GMT -5
Pastelsky padded quietly out of the warrior's den. Looking around, she noticed somthing - where was Reflectstar? Jasmineflower was deputy, as far as she knew. Sittting down by Octoberlies, she cast a puzzled expression his way. Although she knew deep down that this was probably about Reflectstar, she couldn't help but hope that Mousepaw would become a warrior, even without a mentor. Mousepaw. Now even the thought of the tom sent her heart thumping. She prodded the ground impatiently with her paws.
Post by Spice..xx on May 5, 2007 15:12:41 GMT -5
Brindlepaw put his kill on the pile after Octoberlies. He padded over and touched noses with his friend. As Hyenakit and Pastelsky were already sitting next to Octoberlies he sat beside Pastelsky. He looked up at Jasmineflower, confused. "Wheres Reflectstar?" he asked Pastelsky, voicing his thoughts. This wasnt like Reflectstar to not be here at the time of a meeting. Brindlepaw swiped his tongue around his mouth slowly, not taking his eyes off Jasmineflower. [/center]
Post by FIREH!! on May 5, 2007 15:28:54 GMT -5
Snowflake padded warily out of the warrior's den. What was Jasmineflower doing on the High Rock? She sat and waited for Jasmineflower to speak.
Post by trissea on May 6, 2007 9:26:36 GMT -5
Mousepaw padded out of the apprentince's den, blinking wearily, having just awoken. He sat next to Pastelsky and Octoberlies, his green eyes showing exitement of sorts. He didn't know why, but he had a strange feeling about this meeting. He gave his ear a few licks and settled down to listen.
Post by SHADE. :D on May 6, 2007 9:37:00 GMT -5
Octoberlies flicked his tail in greeting to Pastelsky. His frown deepened. Reflectstar was usaully a very punctual she-cat. He felt Hyenakit moved slightly, the warm little bundle of ginger fur shifting. The kit yawned. "I wanna be an apprentice," he told Octoberlies. The tabby blinked absent-mindedly at him. "You will be soon." He returned the touch to Brindlepaw, shrugging and replying to his question; "I don't know," he looked at his fellow warriors' faces. "Nobody does." Cherrysmoke turned to face Snowflake, beckoning her friend with her long, red-brown tail. "I wonder what Jasmineflower's up to?" she murmured to the white she-cat.
Post by lonelylove :D on May 6, 2007 12:07:19 GMT -5
Jasmineflower cleared her throat. She begun.
I'm afraid I have some bad news. The past few days, as you may or may not have noticed, Reflectstar has been missing. I was wondering where she could've gone without telling us. Yesterday I searched our territory. I found her scent leading out of our territory.
She blinked her eyes, trying to hold the tears in her eyes.
I doubt that she will come back. [/sup][/color]
Post by fernie. (: on May 6, 2007 13:33:50 GMT -5
Foxtail had slipped silently to the edge of the crowd, and gasped inwardly as she heard the news. Reflectstar... gone? she didn't think this would ever have happened.
Post by Spice..xx on May 6, 2007 14:26:35 GMT -5
Brindlepaw gaped at Jasmineflower in shock. Why would Reflectstar leave? That was something he had expected would never happen, Reflectstar loved her Clan! Or at least she had. He shuffled closer to Pastelsky, needing the warmth of his friend to comfort him. How would Clan life ever be normal again? [/center]
Post by SHADE. :D on May 7, 2007 10:23:25 GMT -5
Octoberlies felt his legs go numb with shock. Reflectstar, abandon her clan? She loved SerenityClan! The tabby tom leaned against Brindlepaw. He felt Hyenakit wriggle. The kitten was too young to understand. He mewled slightly, and Octoberlies numbly hushed him. Reflectstar was... Gone! Cherrysmoke gasped. Reflectstar was gone? The red-brown she-cat looked levelly up at Jasmineflower. The shock began to wear off a little as she thought about Jasmineflower. She knew the loyal deputy would be a good leader. Jasminestar.. The queen hook her head. She would think about that later. Now they had to mourn Reflectstar. She bowed jer head.
Post by FIREH!! on May 7, 2007 15:11:07 GMT -5
Snowflake leaned against her friend, trying to recover from the shock of Reflectstar.
Post by lonelylove :D on May 7, 2007 21:45:42 GMT -5
Jasmineflower could only nod. She flicked her tail to signal for silence.
Because she has left us, I must assume role as leader. Tommorrow morning I will leave for Moonshard. I need a few warriors and apprentices to accompany me. Also, when I arrive home, I will choose the new deputy.
She cleared her throat. She sounded almost just like she was leader already. A tear leaked down her cheek. She paused to wipe it with a paw before continuing.
I would like Octoberlies, Snowflake, Brindlepaw and Mousepaw to accompany me. [/sup][/color]
Post by FIREH!! on May 8, 2007 7:25:51 GMT -5
Snowflake gulped and nodded her head. "Cherrsmoke... Why must Starclan turn against our clan? We have lost so many..." she whispered.
Post by SHADE. :D on May 8, 2007 9:40:41 GMT -5
Cherrysmoke licked her friend's ear reassuringly. At her words, however, she frowned. "No matter what, StarClan will always be with us, Snowflake. Never doubt that. My faith in StarClan had only strengthened since I lost Crescentgaze. I now know that, though he has left me and our children, he still watches over us in StarClan. He'll alays be in our hearts, as will Reflectstar." Octoberlies dipped his head in assent to his new leader. He respected Jasmineflower for the strength she was showing in front of her clan. The tom could not help feel a slight spark of excitement, despite the situation. He would be accompanying Jasmineflower to the Moonshard! He felt Hyenakit move. "It's not fair," the kit grumbled sulkily. "I'm six moons. I want to be an apprentice."
Post by FIREH!! on May 8, 2007 15:59:34 GMT -5
Snowflake smiled, strengthened by her friend's trust in Starclan. She licked Cherrysmoke's ear.
Post by lonelylove :D on May 8, 2007 17:40:53 GMT -5
Jasmineflower nodded at everyone.
Traveling herbs will be made ready tomorrow morning. If you are coming with me, pick them up when you wake up and meet me by the camp entrance.
She nodded again.
Also, I know some ceremonies need to be taken care of. I will perform them when I come back from Moonshard.
She flicked her tail. She was all business now.
The meeting is over.
She whipped around and dissapeared inside the leader's den.
ooc; Oh my juice! I just realized that we have no medicine cat now either! o.0 [/sup][/color]
Post by SHADE. :D on May 9, 2007 9:59:42 GMT -5
[ooc;] -sigh- Yup. [bic;] Octoberlies dipped his head, before rising to his paws. Brightening a little, he wearily cuffed Hyenakit around the ears. "Jasmineflower will make you an apprentice when she's ready," he meowed. Hyenakit looked confused. "No, Reflectstar will," the kit began happily chasing his tail. Octoberlies did not have the heart to tell his happy little kit that Reflectstar was gone. Cherrysmoke got to her paws and blinked. "I need to get back to nursery," she touched noses with her friend, before getting back to her kits.
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on May 9, 2007 16:19:06 GMT -5
ooc; My internet was dead... x.x
Her paws pricking with unease, Pastelsky brushed Mousepaw's flank. "So you'll be made a warrior soon," she smiled at him, her voice shakeing with raw shock - and an attmpt to hide it. Why would Reflectstar leave? Another pang of regret shot through her as her wandering gaze landed on Cherrysmoke's tabby form. Crecentgaze would have made a great deputy. Turning to Hyenakit, she let a faint purr rumble through her. "You will be," she said, licking him gently between the ears. "Just be patient."
Post by lonelylove :D on May 9, 2007 16:52:43 GMT -5
ooc; Uh. Ok. Just to let you guys know, I put up an audition for Deputy and Medicine Cat here; Click So if you have any interest in having a power position, here's the place to go! [/sup][/color]
Post by SHADE. :D on May 10, 2007 9:53:15 GMT -5
Octoberlies blinkd gratefully at Pastelsky. Hyenakit wriggled impatiently. "I don't want to be patient, though," he grumbled. "Pastelsky, who was your mentor?" The kit suddenly looked eager again. "I want Octoberlies, or you, or maybe Jasmineflower, or Deathwish.. He's cool."
Post by Spice..xx on May 10, 2007 13:52:05 GMT -5
Brindlepaw dipped his head to Jasmineflower. He felt a jolt of excitement when he heard that he was to be one of the few to accompany her to the Moonshard. When he heard the next bit he turned to look at Mousepaw. "Its our turn soon! We'll be proper warriors of SerenityClan!" he meowed happily, his eyes sparkling. He smiled at Hyenakit. "I remember how excited i was to become an apprentice. If you keep that eagerness all through your training then, well a mentor wouldnt be able to ask for a better apprentice!" he said to the excited kit. He stood up and stretched. His tummy growled with hunger and he realised he hadnt eaten since morning. He flicked Octoberlies' shoulder with his tail. "Coming to eat?" he asked before walking over to the fresh kill pile. He picked a fat vole and settled down in a sunny patch to eat it. [/center]
Post by lonelylove :D on May 10, 2007 20:32:53 GMT -5
ooc; Ok. Uh..people, I'm just gonna start the post for the next day here. Please no post from ceremony. I just don't think that I should start a new thread just for setting off to Moonshard.
-next morning- Jasmineflower slowly unfurled from her nest. The leader's den still seemed weird to sleep in after Reflectstar had left the clan. But none the less, it was hers now. She did a slow stretch before trotting out of the den. The sunlight was blinding, and she squinted. Then trotted over to the warriors den. She called inside.
Octoberlies, Snowflake, time to go to Moonshard!
Then she trotted over to the apprentice den. She knew sometimes they were harder to wake. So she bellowed out her voice.
Brindlepaw, Mousepaw, let's go! [/size][/color]
Post by Spice..xx on May 11, 2007 11:35:28 GMT -5
Brindlepaw woke with a jolt. He wondered what had woken him when he heard Jasmineflower call again. He flicked Mousepaw with his tail to make sure he was awake too and hurried out into the clearing. He dipped his head to Jasmineflower. "Do you want me to go and get my herbs now?" he asked, looking around briefly for Octoberlies and Pastelsky. When he realised he was the first cat up he turned his attention back to Jasmineflower standing in front of him. [/center][/color]
Post by FIREH!! on May 11, 2007 15:45:36 GMT -5
Snowflake padded out of the Warrior's Den. She stretched in the glorious sun and went to the Medicine Cat's den to fetch her herbs. After she ate them, she thanked the medicine cat and waited for the other warriors.
Post by lonelylove :D on May 11, 2007 16:17:28 GMT -5
Jasmineflower nodded to Brindlepaw.
Yes. Go eat your herbs.
She saw Snowflake dissapear inside the medicine cat den, and reappear a minute later.
And go fetch the herbs for Mousepaw and Octoberlies. We should go. [/size][/color]
Post by feather on May 11, 2007 16:19:45 GMT -5
Crimsonpaw's eyes widened in shock. Gone? He shook his head in disbelief. why..? [/center]
Post by Spice..xx on May 12, 2007 6:33:16 GMT -5
Brindlepaw nodded and hurried over to the medicine cats den. He ate his herbs quickly and picked up the remaining two piles carefully. He put down one pile outside the warriors den. "Come on Octoberlies!" he called to his friend before continuing to the apprentices den. He put down the other pile and called on Mousepaw as well. He nodded briefly to Pastelsky before going to sit down beside her and wait for the others. [/center][/color]
Post by SHADE. :D on May 12, 2007 8:45:16 GMT -5
Octoberlies jolted awake from a deep sleep. He blinked in confusion. "Wha..?" He shook his head to clear it, then got to his paws. "Oh, er, yeah, herbs, that's right." He shook himself then padded briskly from the warriors' den, the simply movement seeming to have shaken off all of his weariness. He took his herbs from Brindlepaw, thanking his friend, before eating the bitter leaves. Wincing from the taste, he remembered having eaten the same herbs when Reflectstar had taken him to the Moonshard as an apprentice. "I'm ready," he meowed.
Post by lonelylove :D on May 12, 2007 9:29:07 GMT -5
Jasmineflower nodded slowly. Now, if only Mousepaw would wake up. Brindlepaw, please go wake Mousepaw. She looked up at the sky. It was stained a light yellow color, meaning that the rest of the camp would wake up soon. Hmm. She should organize patrols for today. But she would be gone. She ran into the warriors den and prodded Pastelsky. Pastelsky? Pastelsky? Wake up! I need to ask you something. [/size][/color]