Post by [xoxo] shard. :) on Dec 16, 2007 0:54:30 GMT -5
He paused just before entrance to his confinement, his head turning to face Nightfur. He beckoned for her to follow with a jerk of his head and a flick of his tail, then disappeared to his den. When she arrived, he quickly began. "What was it you wanted?"[/sup]
Post by FIREH!! on Dec 16, 2007 8:29:04 GMT -5
[subooc;; You forgot the Elder ceremonies for Icelily and Skytomb.[/sub]
Post by cheshy says grace on Dec 16, 2007 12:27:15 GMT -5
Nightfur smiled to herself and trotted after Stormstar. She entered his den, then said, "Well, you see, I'm worried just as much as you are about Embertail." She looked around the den. "Anyways, I was just concerned if you're going to wait for Embertail a while longer or if you're gonna think over and decide Embertail's not the right choice?" The she-cat tried not to sound greedy. Even though she wanted to be deputy just a little bit, she was just concerned.[/color]
Post by Spice..xx on Dec 17, 2007 13:47:08 GMT -5
Dewpaw padded into camp, an enlightened look on her face, with Oleandergaze close behind her. She looked around for Tawnypaw but couldnt see her sister so went and sat near Deliriumstep and Skyflight, hoping Oleandergaze would come and sit with her too. "Is Embertail still not arrived?" she asked the two she-cats, her eyes wide with disbelief. The deputy was not making a very good impression, not showing up for his own ceremony. She looked around for Stormstar but saw he was gone. She wondered what the leader would do now.[/color]
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Dec 17, 2007 15:22:12 GMT -5
His heavy steps belied him as the massive tom followed Dewpaw in silence, his frame bearing his emotions. Oleandergaze sat down by Dewpaw's side as she sat over by Skyflight and Deliriumstep. The tom laid his head on his paws.
Deliriumstep turned her pentagonal head and shook it once hearing Dewpaw's remark. "Apparently not, though I heard that the Monsters have been out a lot lately. I wonder if...," she broke off. She didn't need to finish her sentence. Everyone knew what she meant. The dark-gray/black femme turned to Skyflight. "Who do you think will replace Embertail since he's gone missing and possibly dead...?"
Post by [xoxo] shard. :) on Dec 17, 2007 19:08:52 GMT -5
[ooc]:// How about I do their ceremonies with the new deputy ceremony, which I'll hold in a few days.
A heavy sigh escaped from the tom's jaws. "Ah, yes. My mind was just resting upon that subject. If a cat does not show up for his own ceremony, what kind of deputy is he? A deputy's responsibilities are commanding, you must be on time as much as felinely possible, especially for your own deputy ceremony!" Again, Stormstar breathed a sigh. He surveyed Nightfur. She was obviously concerned about the Clan, and apparently knew when to take things into her own hands. "Nightfur...would you be comfortable as a deputy?"
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Dec 17, 2007 20:46:54 GMT -5
Her slim features curled around as she heard Deliriumstep talk about Embertail. "I'll look for him," the silvery femme said softly, lifting her gentle eyes to the heavens. Astralhaze turned away from Tansykit and the others before padding over to Deliriumstep, Skyflight, Dewpaw, and Oleandergaze. She smiled faintly at all of them before padding off to the CloudClan territories, perhaps to the lakeside region. "I'll be back later. Don't worry if I'm long." Her ivory frame vanished.
Post by SHADE. :D on Dec 18, 2007 11:56:43 GMT -5
Haloheart turned her head as Cloakedclaw let out a loud shriek. Panic pricked at her heart as she sprang up, forgetting about her apprentice. She spotted Cloakedclaw's ginger striped body sprawled beside a grey-silver rogue. She ran forward, spitting, claws unsheathed. She was prepared to attack this rogue, had he hurt her brother. But as she got closer, something dawned on. No... It can't be... Haloheart collapsed by her brother's side. "S-Sh-Shoalpaw..." she spluttered, blue eyes wide.
Indigopaw turned around as Cloakedclaw suddenly ran from him. "What did I do?" he blurted stupidly. He then spotted Haloheart and Cloakedclaw at the side of a tabby rogue. Indigopaw bristled. "Yuck, it's a rogue!" he hissed, blue-grey fur on end. "Uugh, he stinks!" The apprentice turned away, even as Icelily called him. "Eww, no. Why should I? I don't know him!" The tom had not heard what his mother had said. He dat, frowning, staring at his weirdly besotted family.
Skytomb jumped as his mate called loudly. He turned around, long tail lashing. What had happened? He then spotted his mate, and daughter and son gathered around a silver tabby rogue. No... It wasn't a rogue. "Shoalpaw? Shoalpaw!" Skytomb ran to his mate's side, long legs carrying him fast over the grassy earth. "My son!" He licked the grime from Shoalpaw's face, staring into his clear blue eyes. "It is you!"
Dragonflydance sat outside her den, thin tail curled around her small, snow coloured forepaws. She was smiling, her blue eyes bright with joy and love for Stripedpaw, Indigopaw and Hailpaw. But... Something was wrong. She noticed her brother, sister and parents suddenly take flight across the clearing, and Indigopaw sitting down, digging in his claws and frowning. Dragonflydance's eyes followed the white streak that was her mother, to a silvery rogue. But they knew the rogue's name... Shoalpaw...? No. It wasn't. It couldn't be. But it was! Dragonflydance disappeared into her den, snatching the herbs she needed. The snowy coated medicine cat darted to Shoalpaw's side, dropping the herbs at his paws. "Eat the thyme," she told him. "Do you have any pains? Any cuts, scrapes?"
Tansykit smiled slightly as her sister's loud pawsteps announced that they had obeyed her orders. She nodded to Brokenskull's slow, disjointed words. "Of course you can," she told him, her blind green eyes dull, though her words were spiced with rare happiness. "Make sure they do as their told," she ordered the large tom. As Frostkit and Dapplekit returned, she nodded at her feet. "Make a pile of them here," she told them. "Then... Then practice your fighting skills against eachother."
Post by Wolf on Dec 18, 2007 15:31:54 GMT -5
Brokenskull purred. "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay." He meowed slowly. Then sat up straighter, looking important. "I'm a...deputy."
Post by Spice..xx on Dec 18, 2007 15:58:05 GMT -5
Skyflight looked up worridly as Astarlhaze said she would go. Are you sure?" she said, but the white she-cat had already gone. She looked at Deliriumstep anxiously but didnt go after the she-cat. She was worried about what the other she-cat had said about the monsters on the territory. Dewpaw nodded and then turned her head to look at Oleandergaze. She smiled but it fell as she saw how sad the tom looked. She padded over to him and sat down. "Whats wrong?" she asked quietly, her eyes glimmering with concern at the toms despondency.[/color]
Post by cheshy says grace on Dec 18, 2007 16:16:09 GMT -5
Nightfur looked take aback for moment, then recovered. She blinked her eyes slowly, then nipped herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She let out a small hiss that confirmed the theory: she wasn't dreaming. Then Nightfur looked up at her leader, "Yes, yes of course I will! I mean... are you sure?"[/color]
Dapple'gaze' grinned and nodded her head. Then she set down the moss in the indicated spot and turned to face her sister, Frostedkit.
ooc;// Shardeh, I just realized something, cat's don't have hands, they have paws, LOL
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Dec 18, 2007 18:46:55 GMT -5
"Mmm?" came his response. He blinked and opened his gentle brown eyes. "Me? Oh, nothing. Just a bit tired," Oleandergaze replied softly. His fluffy tail flopped back and forth as the tom rolled onto his belly and shook out his long-haired, monochromatic-brown pelt. He blinked. "Why? Is something wrong?" He came to his feet that moment, lifting his head in case of an alarm.
Post by [xoxo] shard. :) on Dec 19, 2007 16:27:25 GMT -5
The leader nodded with no hesitation. "Nightfur, you have much experience as a warrior. Even if Embertail does return, I will likely rename you as deputy. Not today, but at sunhigh in two sunrises, unless Embertail manages to prove himself worthy of such a high position by then." He stood and rested his tail upon her shoulder. "I shall tell you so that you are prepared. Your first few moons as deputy can give you a bit of stress. You may feel like the weight of the world is crushing your limbs. Yes, If I come to pass, you will be leader but this is something you accept as deputy. Also, you are the cat responsible for organizing all patrols. Now, are you okay with this?"[/sup]
Post by FIREH!! on Dec 19, 2007 17:20:45 GMT -5
Frost'feather' leaned down, placed her things in a pile, and immediately attacked her sister. Just try to win! She laughed.
Post by cheshy says grace on Dec 20, 2007 16:37:35 GMT -5
Nightfur nodded, "Yes, yes, of course, I understand." She smiled at Stormstar and let loose a small squee of glee. Then he eyes grew wide and she looked down at her paws, "Sorry..."[/color]
Dapple'gaze' squeaked and pushed her sister off. "No you don't!" the kit grinned and pounced her sister blissfully.[/color]
Post by Spice..xx on Dec 20, 2007 17:17:30 GMT -5
Dewpaw looked up and shook her head. "No no, im fine, you just looked a but despondent, thats all" she said, smiling at the warrior. She liked Oleandergaze and was glad she had made friends with him today. She glanced over at Tansykit and looked impatiently towards Stormstars den. "Are we done yet? Is the meeting over?" she asked, not minding who answered. She wanted to talk to Tansykit soon, although of course she wouldnt interupt the kittens game, especially when she looked like she was having so much fun.[/color]
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Dec 20, 2007 19:09:15 GMT -5
[ooc] Hey Scribbs, should Barrenpaw meet Otterpaw now?
Post by SHADE. :D on Dec 21, 2007 8:27:37 GMT -5
Tawnypaw peered dolefully from between the ferns of the apprentices' den. Her green eyes were damp and sad, but churning with jealousy. Dewpaw was sat beside Oleandergaze, talking and smiling. The apprentice wiped her narrowed eyes on her paws like a kit. She felt anger burn in her stomach. It was unfair that Dewpaw could forget their mother so easily. It was unfair she could have fun with another cat. Tawnypaw got up, with the intention of twisting around to plunge back into the den, but instead pushed her way out of it on impulse. Tawnypaw stormed past her sister, being sure to knock her shoulder against the she-cat's. The apprentice then left the camp, her ochre coloured tail tip twitsting out of sight among the ferns.
Tansykit heard her sisters squeals, and the sounds of their bodies on the earth, and took that as a sign they had obeyed her. "Is all well?" she asked, her quiet voice somehow managing to sound prim and sharp without loosing its soft quality. The ginger and white kitten shifted her paws; she felt someone's eyes on her. She knew this by the burning in her skull, and the awkwardness she felt inside. She hated it when others stared; partly because she could not see them herself, and partly because it made her think of what she was missing out on.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Dec 21, 2007 8:34:48 GMT -5
"Oh, no, it is nothing like that," Oleandergaze said softly, a gentle smile born on his face as he looked at Dewpaw. "You seem diff---oooff!" His head was abruptly slammed to the ground as Tawnypaw suddenly knocked Dewpaw into him. The brown tom lifted up his head and shook the stars out of his eyes, wondering what on earth was that. The male blinked and flopped his tail from side to side. "That was not very nice," he murmured, rubbing his head.
Deliriumstep sighed and came to her feet. "I suppose I should go after her. No apprentice should be out there alone," the dark-gray femme said, muscles and pelt rippling like waves in a little lake during a cloudy day. The hazel-eyed Deliriumstep turned and trotted after Tawnypaw, calling out her name.
Post by Spice..xx on Dec 21, 2007 10:01:37 GMT -5
Skyflight rolled her eyes to the sky. It seemed no-one wanted to stay in camp today. Well, she for one was not going out. She turned round and after selcting a small mouse to eat took refuge in the entrance of the warriors den where it was warmer than outside. She settled down to eat her meal, still surverying the clearing, just in case something else happened. Dewpaw let out a small gasp as she was bumped into Oleandergaze. She turned round, her eyes narrowed and teeth bared, ready to ask whoever it was just what they thought they were doing when she noticed it was her sister. "Tawnypaw! I.." she trailed off, her sister had already left. She turned round to Oleandergaze and touched hsi shoulder with the tip of her tail in an apology. "Sorry. I dont know what that was all about" she said quietly and then sat down again. Her grey eyes swam with hurt and confusion and she forgot about talking with Tansykit. Well, almost.[/color]
Post by cheshy says grace on Dec 21, 2007 13:41:55 GMT -5
ooc;// sure, Kuri
bic;\\ Dapple'gaze' pulled away from Frost'feather'. The kit squeaked, "Yes, Tansy'star' just a little bit surprised." She cleaned the dirt out of her dappled fur, then ounced her sister once again.[/color]
Post by FIREH!! on Dec 21, 2007 14:44:38 GMT -5
Frost'feahter' wrestled with her sister, but was pinned down. Get off me you oaf! She cried, laughing, finally freeing herself. Then she stood in front Tansy'star' and meowed, What next?
Post by SHADE. :D on Dec 22, 2007 11:56:01 GMT -5
Tansykit was breifly distracted as a storm of emotion stirred up the wind beside her. She shivered. The kitten picked out the anger, the jealousy, the sorrow and the guilt among the scent of Tawnypaw. She heard the apprentice's loud, stomping steps as she retreated. Tansykit blinked in surprise as she heard Dapplekit's muffled voice. "Oh - good," she mewed in reply, recovering herself. The she-cat slowly blinked her blind eyes. Everything was happening today; loners were turning up, claiming to be lost friends, families were splitting apart. Tansykit felt a sudden want for her mother, and huddled down. She decided to use the game as an excuse. "Go and fetch young Ribbontail," she told her sisters, trying to keep the fear out of her soft voice. "I want to speak with her about apprenticing her kits. Thistlekit, Dustkit and Firekit are ready, I think."
Post by FIREH!! on Dec 22, 2007 13:20:45 GMT -5
Frost'feather' smiled. I'll go get her! She raced away, up to Ribbontail. Mommy! Tansy'star' wants to see you! I mean, she is wanting to talk to you about apprenticing Firekit, Dustkit, and Thistlekit! She tugged on her mother's tail with two paws. Come on! She whined.
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Dec 22, 2007 14:41:15 GMT -5
Barrenpaw rolled his eyes as the kits played. Tansykit would obviously never be leader! She was blind, for StarClan's sake! Sighing, he paced around the clearing, bored out of his mind. Suddenly he bumped into a younger cat with a sleek brown pelt and bright eyes. Blinking, he recognized Otterpaw, the new apprentice. "Sorry," he meowed curtly. [/color][/blockquote]
Post by cheshy says grace on Dec 22, 2007 16:42:15 GMT -5
Otterpaw came out of her excited trance as something bumped in to her. She turned to face Barrenpaw and nodded, "S 'okay." She caught the dissapointment in his voice and realized this was the tomcat who had argued with Tawnypaw and Dewpaw. "Barrenpaw..." she nudged him with the paw, "Think positive. Look on the bright side. You got an amazing mentor."[/color]
Post by KURI. (happy birfday to me :D) on Dec 23, 2007 8:17:36 GMT -5
Barrenpaw scoffed, turning his head away from Otterpaw. "Yeah, right," he meowed sarcastically. "Haloheart's a pathetic excuse for a mentor, honestly." He rolled a little ball of moss around between his paws sulkily. "And since when do you judge cats? You're barely out of the nursery!" he narrowed his aqua eyes at her, but there was something about her excited air that made him laugh quietly. The laugh came out as more of a cough, and sounded very strange. Swallowing for no reason, he looked away again, this time out of embarassement. [/color][/blockquote]
Post by SHADE. :D on Dec 23, 2007 8:17:55 GMT -5
The silver spangled shape that was Ribbontail stirred as a storm of tiny paws and voices battered her flank and ears. The queen opened her liquid sapphire eyes, smiling as her kits bounced around her. Both had grown, that was for sure. Dapplekit's legs had grown long and slender, like her own, and her tortoiseshell pelt was rich and beautiful. Frostkit's eyes sparkled with new intelligence, and muscles were beginning to show along her pale grey sides. Ribbontail heaved herself to her paws with a yawn, breifly wondering where Tansykit was. Oh, I'm sure she's fine. She allowed herself to be reassured by the fact that Cloakedclaw was out there. He would never let anything happen to any one of their three beautiful daughters. Ribbontail shook herself, giving her silky silver fur a few licks before smiling gently at her kits. "Okay, okay," she mewed, her soft voice filled with humour. "I'm coming." She exited the nursery with her daughters bouncing at her paws, still smiling.
Tansykit recognized her mother's scent as she approached her. The kit dipped her head to her sisters. "Thankyou," she mewed. The ginger and white she-cat pressed her brow breifly into Ribbontail's chest, and felt her mother's tongue rasp comfortingly between her ears. The kit felt more relaxed, and smiled, falling into the game again. "Brokenskull, I wanr you to go with Ribbontail and Dapplegaze on hunting patrol," she told the three cats. "Frostfeather, you stay here with me. We'll guard the camp."
Post by FIREH!! on Dec 23, 2007 10:36:21 GMT -5
Frost'feather' dipped her head to her 'leader'. Will do, my fair leader! She meowed. Then she stretched up to her mother's ear and whispered, Tansykit would make a terrific leader, don't you think? She smiled and winked, before taking up a position beside Tansy'star' and guarded.
Post by Wolf on Dec 23, 2007 10:41:33 GMT -5
Brokenskull stood up slowly. "Ok....Tansystar! I go with....Ribbontail and Dapplegaze." He meowed happily, smiling dumbly.