Post by [xoxo] shard. :) on Jul 3, 2007 20:47:03 GMT -5
Stormstar leapt to the place he'd stood only days ago - the Bird's Wing. He'd apprenticed some kits that were waiting long for it then. But now, he had another important matter.
It was the new Deputy of CloudClan.
"May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Bird's Wing for a Clan meeting!"
He watched as the many cats slipped from their dens.
(ooc:// Okay, let's just pretend Mythsecrets has been in CloudClan for the time she lived.) [/sup]
Post by nova on Jul 4, 2007 10:03:30 GMT -5
Only moments before she had returned from hunting and dropped off her catch on the ever-growing pile of fresh-kill. Almost instantly after, she had gone to the den, exhausted after being out since sun-high. Sighing quietly to herself, she rose from her soft nest of moss. She stretched, flexing her shoulder muscles and then her back legs. Her mouth opened with a wide yawn, her sharp white teeth flashing in the dim lighting. Closing her mouth, she padded out of the den, wondering what in the name of StarClan Stormstar wanted now. It couldn't be kits becoming apprentices, or apprentices becoming warriors, only a few days ago kits had been named apprentices.
Her tabby patched pelt glowed under the light coming from the heavens. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the light. Her paws took her instinctively to the foot of the Bird's Wing where her leader stood. Mythsecrets sat, her tail wrapping around her paws. She sat still, her head raised high yet tilted slighty to the side in the obvious question: What now?
Post by Spice..xx on Jul 4, 2007 12:24:45 GMT -5
ooc: Sky, Dew, Tawny and Eagle were just away to leave but they can be here for this.
bic:~Skyflight~ Skyflight turned when she heard Stormstars call. She looked at the Dewpaw and Tawnypaw sympathetically. "Sorry you two, we'll have to wait until this is finished before we can go" she meowed. She padded over to the Birds Wing and sat beneath it, gazing lovingly up at Stormstar. ~Dewpaw~ Dewpaw groaned as she heard the call for a meeting. "What know?" she grumbled, ambling over to under the Birds Wing to sit with her sister. She looked around for Lemonzest, she hoped her mother would sit with them.
ooc:Sorry people i have writers block :S [/center]
Post by [xoxo] shard. :) on Jul 4, 2007 18:32:33 GMT -5
"Cats of CloudClan, we have been without a deputy since the loss of Snowstorm. I don't believe we shall see her again, as I've waited so long for her to return, and she has not. So today, I will appoint a new deputy. In the sight of Starclan, I announce my new deputy so they may hear and approve of my choice. Mythsecrets will be the new deputy of CloudClan!" [/sup]
Post by SHADE. :D on Jul 8, 2007 11:22:09 GMT -5
Tawnypaw groaned as Stormstar's loud yowl halted them in thier tracks. The brown and white apprentice wheeled around with her sister and Skyflight, the natural impatience she had inherited from her mother clear in her green eyes. The apprentice sat with Dewpaw, her flanks brushing her sister's, as she listened to the announcement. It didn't mean all that much to her. "Mythsecrets, Mythsecrets!" she chanted, joining in only after she realised she was expected to. Indigokit sat next to his littermates, and Ribbontail's daughters, in the entrance to the nursery. Ribbontail watched from behind the line of excited kits, her dark blue eyes amused at their eagerness. Tansykit sat between her mother's paws, listening to the ceremony. Mythsecrets... She seemed like a sensible cat. She turned her eyes, which were a bright green, onto the pair of new apprentices, Tawnypaw and Dewpaw. "Mythsecrets will be a good deputy," she mumured, flicking her tail. Ribbontail looked worried.