Post by Spice..xx on Dec 12, 2007 13:29:07 GMT -5
Rosepaw nodded and skipped merrily over to Spectreflame and Crestedfire, her prey held in her jaws. "Look!" she said simply, dropping her prey on the ground and totally diffusing the slightly tense situation that had been buliding up between the two warriors without even realising it. Her green eyes sparkled happily and she looked between her and Icepaws mentors and caught a glimmer of anxiety in Crestdedfires eyes. "Is everything okay?" she asked, not directing the question just at Crestedfire as she knew the big cat might get embarassed. She stood there simply, not knowing what was going on and not knowing whether maybe she had just ruined Crestedfires chance of telling Spectreflame how he felt about her.[/color]
Post by Ice on Dec 12, 2007 19:02:48 GMT -5
Icepaw followed Rosepaw, and dropped her robin in front of her. She looked up at her mentor, she hoped her and Rosepaw weren't interuppting the two warriors. "I hope we aren't interuppting something..." The grey apprentice looked at her kill than at her mentor. She sat down letting her tail move acrossed the leaves. Icepaw glanced from the two warriors, wanding what they were talking about earlier.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Dec 17, 2007 22:49:50 GMT -5
"I...er...'course not," Crestedfire said hastily. "Spectreflame and I were simply talking about the...er...latest happenings in MoonClan." He nearly began to ramble like a moonstruck lamb, but was spared Rosekit's questioning glance and he sighed heavily. He hastily collected himself and played with his paws some before looking up at Spectreflame. "I think they're done for the time being unless you need anything else," he said gently.
Post by SHADE. :D on Dec 18, 2007 11:42:32 GMT -5
Spectreflame smiled at Crestedfire's praising words. "Thanks." The smile was not her usaul, fleeting, sharp toothed grin, but a small, soft smile of gratitude. At the ginger tom's next words, the white warrior blinked her sky blue eyes in surprise. "Do you?" she mewed, surprise tinging her tone. "I don't know - a kit her age, alone?" Spectreflame blinked at her paws. "Well, if you believe it, so do I. But your right - I won't let Pearlblade. She'll only get her her hopes up, and we don't know for certain whether Selenekit is still alive." Spectreflame jumped, tearing her gaze away from Crestedfire, as Rosepaw bright voice reached her ears. "O-oh," she mewed, trying to cover up her surprise. She had almost forgotten about the apprentices. The large white she-cat quickly regained herself. "Well done, both of you. You've done well today." She shook her head at Icepaw's worried words. "Not at all." The muscular warrior gave Crestedfire a nod. "Why don't you too take your fresh kill back to camp between you. I think you've earnt a rest," she told Rosepaw and Icepaw. "Remember to feed the elders, mind. And be up bright and early for battle training tomorrow." Spectreflame then turned back to Crestedfire; she sensed unsaid words swimming in his nervous eyes.
Post by Spice..xx on Dec 18, 2007 15:44:49 GMT -5
Rosepaw nodded brightly and dipped her head to both the warriors. She still felt something between the two cats and she knew Crestedfire wanted to say something without her and Icepaw being present. She suddenly felt bad as she knew she must of interrupted something important and she knew she must make up for it somehow. So, gathering her prey she leapt up and shouted loudly "C'mon Icepaw i'll race ya back to camp! Bet i win, and then you guys can talk!" she added the last bit with a sly grin towards the warrios and picking up her starling and holding the 2 mice by their tails as her jaw was so small she began hurtling back towards camp, her small ginger paws flying over the ground as she rushed to keep ahead of the much larger, more slender apprentice.[/color]
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Dec 18, 2007 18:38:23 GMT -5
Crestedfire's fur about turned the color of a sunburnt squirrel. "I...I...I," he began to protest as Rosepaw's teasing words, his voice fading away once he turned back to Spectreflame, gentle hazel eyes lifting to hers. They gleamed and glittered like those of a playful kit but were shaded as if by a towering tree. Crestedfire's hair ruffled out as he nested his head against his chest.
"Erm, Spectreflame's right and don't forget to give some to the queens and elders like she said," he asserted along with Spectreflame's statement. He watched as the apprentices ran off.
"Spectreflame, I know I probably...probably don't have any right to...to say this, but...I...um...kinda...like you," Crestedfire stammered, his voice going hoarse at the end of his declaration. At least he had finally gotten it out. "Though, if you hate me, I totally understand 'cause a lot of cats do and I don't mind honestly, but I just wanted to...get it out there, you know? You've been a great cat and I'm glad to have...to have you as my friend. I'll...be there for you." He played with his paws some, having rambled again.
Post by Ice on Dec 20, 2007 0:36:20 GMT -5
Icepaw nodded at Specterflame's and Crestedfire's statements, then she ran after Rosepaw. She had her mouse and her robbin hanging from her jaws."I bet I will win!" Icepaw was ganging on Rosepaw. If only Icepaw could run a little bit faster, but her leg still hurt from the fight. The silver cat pushed back the pain and pushed off the ground faster and harder. She was right by Rosepaw and she laughed, "You'll have to do better than that!" Icepaw ran a little faster, making Rosepaw a tail length behind her.
Post by SHADE. :D on Dec 21, 2007 9:55:00 GMT -5
The big white she-cat shooed the apprentices with her feathery tail, only half-jokingly. The longhaired warrior smiled slightly. "Those apprentices," she murmured under her breath. They made her think of herself as an apprentice, and her brother, Chaospaw. Spectreflame turned to Crestedfire. The tom looked bashful and embarrased. The she-cat was about to ask him what was the matter, when he spoke. She looked faintly surprised, but then she smiled her usual sharp toothed smile. "I'm not going to kill you for liking me," she mewed, nudging his shoulder with her muzzle. "I like you too. Your... Your like... My best friend." The last words were quieter, as though she had had difficulty getting them out. Spectreflame then smiled a smile that mirrored Crestedfire's own bashful grin, shuffling her paws.
// If they were humans, I can so imagine them suddenly throwing themselves at eachother right about now. xD
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Dec 21, 2007 10:03:42 GMT -5
((Omg yes! xDDDD))
Crestedfire blinked. "But usually I just ignored. I was kinda afraid you'd just storm off or something. I don't get accepted a lot. Maybe you can teach me how to be...more forward," he said, blushing a bit. Hearing Spectreflame's words, the tom beamed brighter than the sun in the sky or the moon in the night. "You're my best friend too!" Now in an extremely happy mood, the ginger tom pressed his face unabashedly against her shoulder, holding her close. The tom grinned broadly. "We'll look after each other, right? Friends to the end?" He sounded like a kit.
Post by SHADE. :D on Dec 30, 2007 7:49:52 GMT -5
Spectreflame's expression darkened slightly. "I havn't, either," she murmured, her voice quiet for once. "After Chaosdance died, others started to turn against me. He always stood beside me. Since we were twins, nobody ever scorned us - we made them uneasy. But now... I'm just me. Like a spare part, without my brother." Spectreflame sighed as rain pattered onto her long white pelt. She smiled as Crestedfire pressed his face into her shoulder. She pushed forwards so that her chest brushed his. "Yes," she mewed in reply. "Nothing will tear us apart. Not even death." Spectreflame shot the growling skies a defiant look, as though backing up her strong words.
Post by (aurora) of the problematique on Jan 13, 2008 21:36:17 GMT -5
The massive, battle-scarred ginger tom smiled at the she-cat and nodded. His gaze turned to the skies too before flashing back to Spectreflame. "We should get back to camp. The rain'll drive the prey back to their homes." He blushed politely and held out his paw. "L-L-Ladies first."