Ravine Lake

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newBookmarkLockedFalling |From Yesterday|x|Pansy&Clear|
(aurora) of the problematique 12 183 by (aurora) of the problematique
Dec 1, 2007 19:54:44 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling && kill me [cuz] b a b y love said no.//
SHADE. :D 2 134 by kee
Oct 7, 2007 18:10:11 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling [E] x p l o r i n g
Spice..xx 6 168 by Spice..xx
Aug 27, 2007 12:02:25 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling &&. d e s t i n e <to> f a i l ;
kee 10 123 by kee
Aug 12, 2007 9:48:47 GMT -5


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Ravine Lake
At the base of this large, damp grassy hill sits a clear blue lake. There are few fish here, so it is difficult to catch one unless you are an experienced warrior. No one has been known to have drowned, but still be on your toes around here. As you go up the hill, there are trees on either side of you, and your final destination - the top of the hill - the camp of SerenityClan. They have a thick layer of underbrush and trees around so it's hard to get in, unless you are one of them.
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