Warriors Den

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newBookmarkLockedFalling [ l o n e l y ] party of two
blair 0 69 by blair
May 22, 2008 5:36:05 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling blue;rain / red;smoke
(aurora) of the problematique 3 88 by SHADE. :D
Mar 1, 2008 9:07:57 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling ;~Love?
[xoxo] shard. :) 4 133 by [xoxo] shard. :)
May 10, 2007 16:31:31 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling .nightmares;
razor 37 346 by FIREH!!
Jan 19, 2007 20:18:53 GMT -5


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Board Description
Warriors Den
This is where the warriors of BrightClan sleep, share tongues, and eat. It is the most exposed den, but also the largest. Located under the willow tree that provides shelter for the Clan Leader, it is not very sheltered in the centre, but around the edges there are some trees that protect them from the rain as well as a few brambles. It starts at the fresh kill pile and ends at the medicine cat's den, which is a fairly large gap. Most of the warriors sleep in clusters the stay warm, since not much warmth is offered when the weather becomes colder.
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